Sixty Eight

17 4 1

Two months later

Niall's POV
Anna and I were getting married tomorrow. She was staying over at Little Mix's house. I was with Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn. I didn't know if Anna was with anyone else though.

We played different board games and video games. It was pretty fun. Around 10:00, Zayn, Harry and Louis went to bed. Liam and i cleaned up the place then went to bed around 10:30.

I sat in my bed. I wanted to talk to Anna so bad, but I couldn't. I sighed and turned on my side, hugging my pillow and falling asleep.

I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. Two people were singing on the top of their lungs.

"Shut UP!" I yelled, sitting up and throwing a pillow at someone, ending up to be Louis.

"Morning Niall. Get ready for today!" Zayn said.

"Okay, just get out!" I laughed.

I got up and showered. Then I put on my suit and did my hair, all in just twenty minutes. I went outside only to see Zayn sitting there in a suit.

"Are you meeting Perrie at the wedding?"

"Yeah. The girls are helping Anna get ready."


"Mate, stop being so depressed! You can go a couple hours without Anna! My god!"

"You would be the exact same with Parrie."

I laughed and went to the kitchen finding something at all to eat, I found a yogurt and ate it. Right after I finished, Louis and Liam came down stairs, Harry close on their heels.

"Alright, let's go now. I don't want to be late to my own wedding." I said getting up.

Everyone raced to the door and I slowly followed. Liam and Harry were in the front and he rest of us were in the back of the van.

We were going to the beach. When we arrived there, people were just arriving. I headed up to the stands and waited for the music to play.

Louis, Harry, Liam and Zayn were my best men. I was talking to them when the music started. Everyone stood up and I turned around to see Annebelle standing there in white. Ashton was there next to her.

Anna didn't have a father or a brother or uncle or anyone to lead her down the isle.

She smiled and looked down at the floor. They began walking. When she got up here, she handed her flowers to Jesy. Little Mix was her Maid Of Honor group. Where my band was my Best Men group. Then everyone sat down.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. We are gathered here today to celebrate a very happy celebration. For marriage. Now, the two shall give their speeches."

"Annabelle. I have loved you since I got to know you. Even if we weren't in the greatest situation." I started. "When I first saw you, there was something that clicked. I knew that somehow, we were going to end up together."

"When we were taken, you never stopped worrying about me. I knew that you would protect me as much as you could."

"Now, Niall. Do you take Annebelle Lynn Greenwood to be your lawful wedded wife, to forever protect her and to forever love her, to stand by her side till death do you appart?"

"I do." I said.

"Annebelle. Do you take Niall James Horan to be your lawful wedded husband, to forever love him and to forever be by his side, to help him to the best of your abilities till death do you apart?"

"I do." Anna said.

"Then you may kiss the bride."

I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips against hers. When we pulled apart, everyone started to clap and stand. I looked out to them.

My brother, his wife and son were there. My parents were there. Anna's mom, 5SOS, and more were here celebrating our wedding.

I grabbed Anna's hand and we ran down the isle and to the limo. Then we headed to the airport. We were going to Paris.

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