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Anna's POV
They took us to the hospital and they put me under so they can do some things. No one told me why they needed to, probably so that I didn't freak out.

When I came back to reality, Niall was there by my bed. He was staring down at his hands.

I swallowed before I spoke out. "Hey." I said softly. God, my voice was raspy.

"Your awake. How-how are you feeling?"

"I-I don't.... I don't know."

"Do you want some water?" I nodded.

He put a cup to my lips and I sipped some liquid.

"Um, thanks a lot for saving me back there." Niall said.

Two weeks later, I got released and Niall was coming to pick me up with the rest of his band. A nurse was staying there with me and we talked about our problems. Apparently, she got kidnapped about three years ago.

Niall came in and followed Louis and the rest of the band and their manager.

"Alright, you ready to go?"

I looked outside. Paparazzi were outside, taking pictures and yelling out questions. It all like I was back at the house. He yelled at me every day for not wanting him. He yelled at me everyday then he beat me and yelled at me some more.

"Anna? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, crouching down in front of me and taking my hands in his.

"I just... He always yelled at me. He yelled at me for not wanting him like he wanted me. He would always invade my space. I-I don't think I can walk out there." I said, my voice cracking and tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll protect you."

"You said that before."

"I know I did, but now we have Liam here and he'll protect us. If he was there when we got taken, we wouldn't have been. So please, just trust me. Please. You can live with us for a while. Please?"

I stared into his eyes a while before I answered. "Only if someone stays with me at night. I'm-I'm scared of the dark." I said, smiling a little.

"There's that beautiful smile of yours! Alright, let's go." He said standing up, bowing and extending his hand.

I laughed and took it and he pulled me up. He pulled me close and he wrapped his arm around me.

"You ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Alright. This is how we are going to do this. Liam, you stand in the back so that you can see everything and can stop anyone who tries to get to Niall and Annabelle. Harry and Zayn, you stand beside them. Louis, you and I will stand in front, but I will change to the back to make sure that no one gets taken. Everyone understand?" Paul said. Everyone nodded.

"Niall, take extra care of her. Don't let anyone get to her."

"Don't worry."

Niall kept his arm around me as we headed out through the doors. Harry was on my right and Zayn was on my very left. Then the yelling came.

"Hey, Niall? Is this the girl who you were with when you got kidnapped?"

"Niall, What happened?"

"Annabelle Greenwood, right? What did they do to you?"

"Annabelle, why did they kidnap you at school?"

"Annabelle, can you explain to us why you were kidnapped?"

They kept coming and coming. Memories kept popping in my head. People tried to reach and touch us, but Harry and Zayn didn't let them. But I swear I saw someone familiar in the crowd...

I stopped suddenly.

"Anna, what is it?"

"There.... in the crowd.... he's there." I said pointing.

The man stared back at me.

"Let's get in the car and get out of here." Niall said.

I tried to protest, but I got shoved into the van.

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