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Danger...It was close, it was near.

The smell of ash and burning buildings enveloped the surrounding area turning the city into a cloud of thick haze.

A young child around the age of seven slowly stumbled out of the gloom. Her face shiny with sweat was contorted with worry and panic. Ash covered the young girl from head to toe and blood slowly dripped down from the right corner of her temple. A ring of blood encircled her neck.

Limping the girl suddenly fell to the ground as her legs gave way beneath her.

Feebly she lifted her bloody face and managed to croak out a quiet whimper before slumping forward once more, darkness invading her senses.

From the havoc ridden city a quiet whistling sounded almost like a dark sinister laugh taunting and devious. A building fell with a loud crash and if one listened closely it was almost as if you could hear someone saying, "You're mine now."

As the fiery winds blew sending ash and glowing red embers out into the air the young girl though unconscious knew...Nothing would ever be the same, again.

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