The sun was beginning to rise and small streaks of light peered through the gap of the curtains making me open my eyes and stare at Harry's neck.
Harry must have felt the light brushes of my eyelashes against his skin as he sighed in content, tightening his arms around my body.
"Y/N are you tired? Did you sleep?" There was concern in his voice and his breath could be felt at the top of my head.
"I'm okay but I know you must be tired. You haven't slept"
I finally loosened my grip and pulled away slightly, his face coming into view. I had to stop myself from gasping, the light eye bags becoming more prominent as the sunlight hit his slightly tanned skin. His eyes were rimmed with red, an indication that he had been crying. His unruly hair had been tamed with a head band. I wondered how he managed to get through paparazzi without questions arising about how tired he looks.
"Babe... How- the paparazzi..." I drifted off hoping he understood what I meant.
"I had ray bans on" harry answered quickly, shaking his head.
I sighed and stood, my hands pushing at his shoulders for him to lie down.
"You need to sleep" I mumbled, taking off his boots with light touches. Harry leaned up on his elbows, a concerned look on his face.
"I'll be fine Y/N, I thought- I thought you might want to talk"
I stopped my movements of removing his jeans and looked him deep in his eyes.
"Your health is more important to me"

Harry's gaze softened and he removed his jacket, laying back on the bed. I continued removing his jeans until he was laying in only his boxers and tshirt.
"Will you sleep with me?" He asked quietly. There was a wave in his voice, as though he was scared I would reject his offer.
"Yes on one condition" I mused, staring at the ground and digging my big toe in the beige carpet. It was something I tend to do when I was nervous.
"Can- can I wear that tshirt you're wearing?" I asked, finally looking at Harry. His expression instantly turned from worried to ecstatic, a wide smile taking over his face. Just at the sight made me smile, a light blush taking over my cheeks. He didn't reply, instead he leaned up again and removed his shirt, reaching out his arm and gesturing me towards him. I obliged, wanting to feel his touch again.
The warmth of his hands was Soothing as he placed them under the current shirt I was wearing, which also belonged to Harry, and rested on my hips. He indicated for me to lift my arms up and I did, the soft material grazing my skin as he removed the only item on my body other than my panties. Harry's breath hitched making my cheeks flare. Maybe I should've worn a bra to bed. He leaned in, placing small kisses just below my breasts and above my belly button before pulling away and putting the tshirt he was wearing over my head. He lightly tugged the shirt down and stared deeply into my eyes.
"Beautiful" he whispered, his hand holding mine and pulling me softly on the bed.
I couldn't help but smile at his soft voice, the amount of content behind the word. Harry moved over to the far hand side of the bed as I got comfortable on mine. I think Harry's scared I might not want him to hold me while we sleep but he's wrong. Right now that's all that I want.
"Good night Y/N" I heard Harry whisper. My back was facing him but I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. I sighed, loudly, before turning around quickly and wrapping my arm around his waist and placing my head against his chest.
"Much better" I whispered, my eyes finally closing as Harry's body heat soothed every muscle in my body. Harry placed a finger under my chin and brought my face closer to his. with my eyes still closed, I felt Harry's lips ghost over mine before they finally touched in a sweet passionate kiss. Our lips moulded together, the light feeling of his chapped lips against my softer ones. He nipped at my bottom lip before pulling away and placing a small kiss on my forehead. Harry rested his chin above my head and pulled me closer against his chest, our legs tangling together in the process.
"So much better" I heard him whisper back before I fell into a deep slumber with the boy who seems to take up my mind every hour of every day.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. With one eye popped open, I took in my surroundings, the white walls foreign to my eyes. As my mind caught up with what my eyes were seeing, I soon remembered I was in a hotel. As I shifted my upper body in search of my mobile phone, something heavy prevented me from moving. A small groan brought my gaze to the mop of hair currently resting on my stomach. Harry had sprawled out over night, his legs over mine and his head resting comfortably on my belly. His arms were wrapped around my waist. It was picture perfect seeing him lay on me. I stopped my movements and allowed my ears to sense out where the ringing was coming from. The table beside Harry's side of the bed held both our phones and what looked like Harry's wallet and keys.
I stretched my arm as far as I could without shifting my body and to my luck, I managed to grab the annoying piece of technology without waking up my sleeping beauty. Right now he needed more sleep than I did. Liam's name flashed on my screen and I quickly slid the green bar to accept his call.
"Hey Liam" I whispered into the phone in hope to not wake Harry up.
"Hey Y/N" Liam reciprocated in the same whispering tone.
"What's up?"
"Firstly, is there a reason why we're whispering?"
I laughed a breathy laugh at Liam's confusion. There was amusement behind his voice making a smile form on my face.
"Sleeping beauty is still asleep" i whispered, putting my free hand on his forehead and pushing back the curls that were restricting me from seeing his face.
"I'm guessing he made it on time and safely?" I nodded my head and then remembered he couldn't see me.
"Yeah, did you guys get home okay? Why aren't you sleeping? Or wait, have you already slept?"
Liam laughed at my never ending line of questions but being a serious nelly I didn't laugh. The boys health was very important to me. He should be sleeping, not talking to me.
"Zayn's sleeping beside me, Eleanor picked Louis up from the airport and jet lag isn't Niall's best friend right now so he's ranting on twitter. I've managed to get a couple hours sleep"
My heart was at ease for a few moments before guilt took over. Niall couldn't sleep and knowing him, he's probably getting grouchy right now. I quickly pulled my phone away from my ear to check the time. I mentally groaned, we had slept right into the afternoon and it was turning 4:05pm.
"I should probably text Niall and keep him company" I mumbled, pulling my phone away from my ear once again and opening Niall's contact and sending him a quick text. As I typed I heard a small "good idea" coming through the line before I placed the phone back to my ear.
"It's nice to know you all made it home safe"
"It's nice to know you aren't crying anymore" Liam stated and the smile on my face grew wider.
"Thank you Liam, you don't understand how much you mean to me. You and the lads"
"Same to you Y/N, you aren't just Harry's, you belong to us too"
The line went quiet before we both chuckled lightly. I guess he's right in a way.
"Have you and Harry sorted everything out?" Liam asked, all joking aside.
"Not quiet. He looked so tired last night and I was missing him so we fell asleep. But I know what I want to do and I know it's the right decision"
I took a deep breath before continuing.
"I was being a bit of an ass when he called so this is partially my fault too and I'm not ready to let go of the one person who seems to make me feel all these foreign feelings" my heart did a little summersault as I said the words and I looked down at Harry. He was still sound asleep.
"I'm glad, we all are. We've seen a massive change in Harry since we met you. You're good for the band Y/N" if it was possible, my smile grew a fraction wider at his words.
"So many compliments, so little time" I mused making Liam laugh loudly. The sound made Harry grunt and I quickly put the volume of my phone down.
"You nearly woke sleeping beauty" I whispered, my finger threading through his hair as I scratched his scalp.
"Sleeping beauty. That's his name on the road from now on" now it was my turn to laugh loudly and Harry stirred so much, I knew he was now half awake.
"Uh-oh sleeping beauty does not like that idea" I mused as Harry popped an eye open and looked around. He's probably thinking the same things I thought when I woke up.
"Stop calling me sleeping beauty" his voice was deep and raspy and my heart flipped at the sound. Both me and Liam burst out laughing as Harry lifted his head slightly and rubbed the sleep off his eyes.
"I'll leave you and sleeping beauty to it. Text me later" Liam said before the line went dead.
I placed the phone beside me as Harry stretched his limbs and his eyes made contact with mine.
"You are mean, they won't stop calling me that how" the words came out slow and deep and I couldn't help but stare at him in awe. He looked heavenly with his unruly hair and bright green eyes.
"It suits you" I mumbled, gazing away when I realised I had been staring for too long.
A finger was placed under my chin as Harry bright my gaze back on to him.
"I heard everything you said by the way" my cheeks flushed a tinted pink. Damn he had heard.
"And you make me feel foreign feelings that my heart has never felt before too. I'm sorry Y/N for everything"
Guilt took over his features as his hand dropped and he looked away.
"I thought we were past the stage of saying sorry?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. It was all done and dusted, we didn't need to open that chapter in our relationship again.
I nodded my head and offered him a warm smile. Harry reciprocated the small gesture before placing his head against my chest. The simple move made my heart beat speed up a fraction. I had a feeling Harry had noticed as he placed a palm above my heart and breathed steadily.
"Is this all for me?" He whispered and if it was possible, my heart rate fastened a notch. I merely nodded before realising he couldn't see me. I really needed to stop doing that.
"Yes Harry"
My voice caught in my throat as Harry placed a small kiss over his shirt I was currently wearing. His free hand wrapped around my smaller one as he manoeuvred it towards his chest and above his heart.
"You do the same to me"
As soon as my hand touched his bare torso just above his heart, his heart rate kicked up a notch from my simple touch. The feeling was mesmerising and I found myself relaxing at the simple feeling. It's crazy what effect we have on each other.
We lay there in each other's arms, small kisses being placed here and there as the sun outside was at its highest, but neither of us had the strength to move. We were too busy masked in each others touch, we didn't care for the outside world. Because for now It was just me and Harry, not disturbances, no flashing lights; just the two of us tangled in hotel bed sheets. And although we weren't in my home or Harry's, being here in his arm felt more like home than any dorm or house could ever.

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