Chapter 2: New Friends

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Chapter 2: New Friends

"Ah~ you're so warm, Deku." Toga giggled as she laid on top of a perplexed Izuku. The poor boy squirmed around, his screams were muffled by a red rag that wrapped around his head. Izuku also couldn't see at all, another rag covered his eyes.

"Hehe! Just wait a few more minutes, my friends are almost done~" She said with excitement while tugging Izuku's uniform harder.The sound of a metal door open made the boy frozen in fear, beads of sweat fell from his forehead as footsteps neared.

"Yay! You're finally here." Toga exclaimed. Izuku felt her whole body go off from his, it still didn't make breathing easier. Anxiety engulfed Izuku and filled the atmosphere, not a thing made a sound until suddenly the young teenager was roughly pulled up by his curly dark green hair.

"This is the person you think will have potential?" A young man who's voice was deep but rough, asked.

"Yup! He killed his classmate a few minutes ago and I helped. It was fun~" Toga said with satisfaction. The thought of the deed made Izuku feel bitter, as if his stomach dropped a thousand feet down underground. A few moments of silence later his rag was ripped of from his eyes, momentarily blinding the boy caused by the bright florescent lights of the bar.
His heart skipped a beat once his vision focused, a man with light grey hair that had a large rotting hand covering his face stood in front of him, his hand gripped Izuku's hair tightly, his thumb oddly up in the air.

"Such large, bright eyes. How unusual that this is the path that you would like to walk down on."

Izuku nervously shook his head, he couldn't kill another person or be a villain. He just couldn't.


"Don't be like that Deku! Didn'tcha say you wanted to be one after all the things people did to you?" Toga chimed in wearing a Cheshire smile.

"Nmph...! Nmph!"

"Toga, you idiot. Don't bring in strangers who can't even make up their minds." The mysterious man sighed, throwing Izuku to the hard concrete floor. "He already knows too much, let's just make this quick and clean-"

"Just wait a minute!" Toga interrupted. "Instead of wasting this life, why don't we just try that thing on him."

"... Oh, so you want another quirk?"

"Actually, he's pretty quirkless." Toga corrected him.

"Hm. I understand now," The man then slowly walked towards Izuku, the poor boy's heart pounded harder and harder with every step, his whole body trembled, even if his legs weren't tied up he would've stayed still, paralyzed with fear.

"So society deemed you worthless all because you don't have a quirk. You were most likely mistreated, ignored, and abused. A hero would have most likely laugh at you if you asked if it were possible you could become a hero like them." Izuku felt a wave filled of sadness drown him, the memory of All Might crushing his dreams played.

"You know, we villains aren't as bad as you think we are."


"Don't you see all the horrible things going on in the world? After all these years, don't you think it would've declined right now?"
The man asked, pulling the rag off from Izuku's mouth.


"Oh Deku, you should see the streets at night! So much violence, it's too fun~" Toga gushed.

"And there's always no heroes to save those who are mugged, beaten, and sometimes even killed." The man covered with hands added.

"What...?" Izuku shook his head with disbelief. "N-No! You're wrong. Heroes help those in need, always!"

Toga couldn't help but laugh. She rushed over to the tied up boy and hugged him with pity.

"Aw, such an innocent lil' thing!" Her smile suddenly widened, her eyes burned with lust and passion. "Yesterday I killed a man. I played with his beaten body as he begged for mercy, I experimented the limitations of the human body. And after all that, not a single person, not a single hero came to his screams. It was so much fun, Deku~"

"Y-You're crazy!" Izuku gasped with pure terror that was painted all over his face. He felt the need to vomit after hearing that, there was no possible way nobody came to help... Right?

"... But you know, I didn't do that just for fun." Toga suddenly said. "That man killed my brother, Deku." Her glossy eyes stared at Izuku, he didn't know why he felt pity for her.

"He was the only family I had, I just snapped. Like how you did with your classmates."

"I-I'm sorry..." Izuku was lost at words, he couldn't help but relate to her. He quickly shook his head. "...N-no! I'm not sorry. What you did was villainous, and what I did was unforgivable. I won't justify yours and my actions." Izuku argued, he finally felt his mind clear. He defiantly knew what he did was wrong and was willing to take the punishment for it, what use did he have for this quirk-filled society anyway?

"Huh? But Deku, he took everything I had-"

"It's no use arguing with him, the heroes plagued his mind." The mysterious man interrupted with a sigh. "We'll just have to do the same."


Toga suddenly hugged Izuku harder with a giggle, he squirmed for dear life as he feared for what the hand covered man meant.

"No! Please, what will you do to me?" He cried.

"Shh, we're just gonna play with you. That's all~" toga whispered as the man walked closer, suddenly taking a syringe from his pocket.

"Oh, by the way,"

Toga covered Izuku's mouth with a giggle.

"My name is Shigaraki."

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