Chapter 4: Alone

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This chapter contains MATURE CONTENT. Please be advised. For future reference, I will not put a warning at the beginning of any chapters with adult content in it. This whole story will have a smattering of mature scenes-if you can't handle it or don't enjoy it, please do not continue to read.

Hopefully there are not too many errors and inconsistencies in this chapter. I am on vacation so I am pretty much constantly being interrupted or distracted. If you see any errors, don't hesitate to let me know.

Leslie artfully dodged her father's questions about where Grant could have gone off too.

"I saw him about an hour ago," she said, stone-faced. It was probably about the hundredth time he had asked her the same question, due to her father's fondness for brandy by the quart. "He told me he had an emergency but that he would speak with you before going." She shrugged. "I guess he couldn't find you to make his excuses. "

She  looked like she was on the brink of telling him to shut the fuck up about the scumbag when Craig scrambled to save the situation. The waves of frustration wafting off Leslie's normally cool exterior were practically palpable.

"So tell me, Mr. Devereaux, how did you end up becoming so involved with the Joyous Heart Foundation? I happen to have a soft spot for domestic violence advocacy."

Thank you, Lance, Leslie thought, giving him a small but heartfelt smile. He smiled kindly back at her.

Her father was off and running about his passion for the organization.

"Have you seen Delancey this evening, dear?" Shelia inquired. "You two haven't been spending much time together lately..."

Why, oh why would they both have to touch on my sore spots tonight? Leslie thought. She looked over at Lance, who was still chatting with her father about goodness only knew what now.

Hmph-no help there. She sighed and pretended she hasn't heard the question.

Leslie anxiously checked her watch and leaned toward her father. "Excuse me Daddy, but it's almost 10 PM."

Luke Devereaux stood. He wiped his mouth and forehead with a perfectly starched white napkin before tossing it onto his dessert plate.

"Very well, my dear. Time to get the show on the road." He clapped his hands together and took his wife's arm. They headed toward the stage platform where he would emcee the auction.

Craig looked towards Leslie with raised eyebrows.

"The auction begins at 10." said Leslie, answering his silent question. Now that her parents were otherwise occupied, she was keyed up, practically bouncing up and down in her seat with excitement.

"What were you two chatting about over there? You looked thick as thieves." she remarked.

Craig laughed and leaned forward and conspiratorially whispered, "He wanted to know how much I would charge for a double 'date'."


Leslie blanched and looked around, but no one seemed to have heard him over the din of silverware and the happy chatter at each table.  

Craig laughed even louder saying, "You should've seen your face!" Leslie, blushing a deep crimson, narrowed her eyes and muttered something unintelligible.

Craig leaned towards her. "What was that, love? I didn't quite catch what you said." His grin widened.

"I said you are this close to never having to worry about finding out!" Leslie hissed through clenched teeth. A telltale sparkle in her eyes betrayed her angry facade.

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