Chapter 1: You Had Me From Hello

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It was 20 degrees out but Leslie Devereaux was sweating bullets. She had unlocked and locked her car doors- remotely- about 18 times in the last 5 minutes. She tried to convince herself to get her freezing butt in the damned car already.

At this rate, she wouldn't get to the gala until the charity auction had already started. She really was quite anxious as to how much her art piece would raise for the charity involved. The sweat on her pale forehead dripped in direct defiance of the weather.

If Leslie hadn't had to drive, she would have primed herself with enough booze to take down a cavalry. As it were, she insisted on picking up her date herself.

Leslie sighed and went back into the house to check her makeup and hair one last time. She went to the full length mirror in the bathroom and gazed at the person looking back at her.

Her makeup-what little she wore-was probably all but sweated completely off. That was with the exception of the water-proof mascara and the matte non transferable lipstick she would probably have to scrub off with a Brillo pad later on.

Taking a soft towel, Leslie wiped the sweat from her face and neck, knowing when she pulled it away, all of her foundation would be in evidence on the fluffy white cloth.

Fuck it, she thought as she wiped off all traces of the concealer with it. Fortunately, Leslie was blessed with a naturally fine complexion and rarely used makeup other than mascara and lip gloss. Her skin was pale with rosy cheeks that grew pink when she was under duress. Right now, her cheeks were stained a deep red.

Leslie took out a pick and tried to coax the loose black tresses out of her face and back into her chignon. She sighed in frustration when her curly black hair refused to be tamed and undid the chignon and decided she would just pile her hair onto the top of her head. She secured the mass of curls to her head with dark purple, shimmery chopsticks.

After much indecision, Leslie had opted to wear a silky, black mermaid gown with some jewel accents at her breast. It was an off the shoulder number with a plunging sweetheart neckline and a long train. It showed off her pale bosom and lovely curves to good effect. She knew that even if Grant and Delancey dared show their faces at the event, at least she would look sexy as fuck and with a hot date to boot.

                      A/N: Couldn't find Leslie's dress in the color I wanted to so here it is in maroon

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                      A/N: Couldn't find Leslie's dress in the color I wanted to so here it is in maroon

Who are you kidding, she thought. Of course they will be there. The Graham's not attending would be akin to the Pope missing Sunday mass.

After affixing the chopsticks and tilting her head to admire the effect, she took one last deep breath. She added more perfume to her pressure points and between her bosoms and left the bathroom. Leslie flicked the light switch to the off position a little harder than she normally would.

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