A Sweet Poem

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I figured it'd be nice to make a story for Capper, and I HAD written a poem for him a couple days ago, so why not? Here we go~!


Your P.O.V

I wrote the words out onto the page, trying to make the poem as perfect as possible, but I just grew frustrated. So, I took a deep breath and stood up from my chair. I opened my door and saw Capper laying on the couch, sipping tea and reading. I let out a dreamy sigh, seeing his tall frame laying on the couch. The way his eyes read over the words with a small bore. Capper looked up from his book, and spoke.

"Hey, you alright Y/n? You look a little red." You snapped out of your dreamy state and spoke in a nervous tone. "Y-yeah!" I then sighed. "Just having a little trouble writing is all." Capper knew about my love for writing and how I sometimes had those days where writing was just a challenge. He was actually quite useful during those times and would read over my work, and critique it. But I don't think it'd be a smart idea to let him read the poem I was working on. "Do you want me to take a look at it?" I stiffened at the question. I had a gut feeling he would ask that, and I just shook off the sudden sickness in my stomach. "N-no! It's fine. B-besides, I have to go do some shopping!" I said with a nervous chuckle. Capper gave me a funny look, and I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I quickly grabbed my purse and rushed over to the door, saying my usual "Bye Capper!" before leaving.

Capper's P.O.V

Something was defiantly wrong with y/n. Even a blind pony could see just how nervous she was before leaving. I looked over at her bedroom door and looked over at the clock. She usually took around a half hour to finish her shopping and come back home. Don't ask how I know that. But I figured I'd have time read over some of the work just to help her. And what nosy cat WOULDN'T, am I right? I sighed and walked over to the door. I opened a it and looked over at her work desk. It was cluttered with different scrap papers and the trash can overflowing with paper. I chuckled. Y/n was a pretty big worker when she wanted to be. I walked over to the desk and saw one paper that wasn't crumbled up or torn. I picked it up and began reading it.

'Capper Dapper

My dear Capper is more dapper than any top hat made. He's stayed in my heart & is a part of my mind and soul. I'd mine all of the coal in Equestria for my beloved Capper.

He is more dapper than any Filthy Rich pony you could think of. He is my beloved & his charm makes any kitten fall in love. But no dove can care for him like me!

The bee's honey is green with envy over Capper's sweetness. His emerald eyes shine brighter than the grass on a warm summer day.

My heart is on the beaches bay from his amazing voice. His love makes me complete, and my love for him is stronger than concrete.'

I felt my face burst into flames hotter than the sun, as I processed what was on the paper. I took a deep breath and my ears drooped. I put the paper back down. I knew what I needed to do.

Timeskip (Excuse the font change lol) 

Your P.O.V

I walked into the house and saw Capper standing by the door like how a puppy sits by the door waiting for it's owner to come home. "Hi Capper!" He looked over at me and smirked. He started walking over to me slowly, and I felt myself start sweating. I began backing up, but my back hit the wall and I gulped nervously. I look back at Capper and grew scared. He put his hands on both sides of the wall, trapping me in. I looked in his emerald eyes and felt my face heat up like a fire.

Suddenly, his lips crashed onto mine. Before I could react, he pulled away and whispered into my ear.

"Your eyes shine like the stars, and I'd travel so very afar just to see them light up. Your hair is so soft and smells like cherries.

The berries in Celestia's garden are put to shame by the sweetness of your heart. Your smile can give cheer to the saddest.

Those who hurt you should lie down in fear, because I'd show them that no one messes with you.

You are a true fighter, and my heart grows lighter and lighter the more and I'm with you.

I love you."

After he finished speaking his little love poem, I shot him a glare. "You read it, didn't you?" He chuckled and looked off the side. "Maybe~~~~~!" I was about to yell at him, but then I thought about the poem he told me. I felt my heart fly and I smiled. I grabbed his face and kissed him. I felt him stiffen for a second, but he slowly relaxed. He put his hands on my waist and massaged it as I scratched his ears softly.  We both pulled away after a few long moments and panted lightly. "I love you too ,Capper." I then hugged him. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "I know you do." He said in a sly toe. "Oh shut up." I said jokingly. At least I knew I could defiantly write a good story about this !

The End~!

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