Lifeline {Lance}

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"Such a shame," Dalia started. " I really enjoy his aura. It's so calming and peaceful." "Yes it is. You should let loose like him as well. It will only do you good." Everyone stared at Dalia and Hilo in shock. A grin spread across your face and you faced Lance, who was also in shock. You were glad someone else saw what you saw.

The moment was quickly shut down when Shiro spoke. "Anyways, we are here to talk about forming an alliance with us to help defeat Zarkon." "Of course." Hilo said. The rest of dinner was spent you and Lance in silence and the rest talking about an alliance.

After dinner was over, Allura gave you a couple extra hours to do whatever you want. Pidge, Keith, Hunk and Shiro decided to talk to the locals some more, Allura is still talking to the queen and princess, and Lance decided to head back early, which worried you. You were just walking around, until you stumbled upon a pathway through a forest. Being the curious person you are, you decided to walk down the path and into the forest.

As you ventured deeper into the forest, you noticed that there were lights, sort of like lightning bugs, but they were purple, pink, green, and blue. They all started floating deeper into the forest down the path. You followed them and came to the most beautiful sight you've ever seen.

"Whoa..." It was a cliff. In the sky was a vibrant baby-blue moon, and a deep blue-violet sky, with stars that have a yellow hue to them. The moon and stars shown perfectly to make the light-turquoise ocean shine. The sand looked like an off-white, more of a cream color. Around the sand was more forest. There was a lone flower on the cliff, that was glowing a deep pink, surrounded by lush green grass.

The deep pink flower was calling to you, begging you to pick it. As you slowly approached it, you stumbled over a medium-sized stone, and you fell. As you were landing, you finger tips grazed one of the petals of the beautiful flower. When you looked up, the flower was glowing brighter than before. The glow spread down the stem and into the grass, while you pushed yourself into a kneeling position. The glow spread down the cliff, throughout the forest onto the sand, and into the ocean. The glow from the sea reflected onto the sky, reminding you of the northern lights on earth. Though you've never seen them in person, you knew they were beautiful.

You took it in for a couple moments. Everything was beautiful and luminescent. You wished you could stay here forever, but you had to protect the universe. And Lance.

When you stood up to leave, the glow retreated back into the flower. You'd have to come back. You promised yourself that you'd visit every night, since you had to stay a couple extra days to make sure the Galra didn't come back anyway.

You all said your goodbyes to your new allies, flew home, and got changed. After you were settled in, you decided to go hunt for Lance. You checked everywhere you thought he'd be; the kitchen, the pool, the lounge, and the control room. You didn't want to barge into his room, but he's not really leaving you any choice.

You opened his door and shut it behind you, surprised that it wasn't locked, due to what he was doing. You thought him cutting himself was the saddest thing you've seen, oh boy, that seemed like nothing compared to this.

There was a noose hanging in the center of the room. Lance was curled up on his bed, tears staining his cheeks, gashes from a razor dripping with his blood on his wrists and ankles, holding what you assumed would be his suicide note. He was looking at you in shock, mouth agape, and you did the same.

"Lance...... why....?" You weakly asked, tears brimming your eyes. "BECAUSE NO ONE LIKES ME! NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME! I'M JUST A BURDEN TO THEM!! I DOUBT THEY WOULD EVEN NOTICE THAT I'M GONE! You know why?! BECAUSE NO ONE CARES!!!!" He yelled at you, tears falling from his and now your eyes. "But I care." You said, calming your shaking breath and figure. You're words made him calm down and stare at you in shock.

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