Chp.15 Call Me Coach.

Start from the beginning

I slammed my fist against the wall, sending pain up my arm, but I didn't care. This pain was nothing compared to losing someone so special again. I couldn't wrap my mind around what Ava was avoiding me for, I went over to the desk, the papers were in order, the waste basket was full, everything looked like how I'd left it. The papers on the desk were only slightly off. Did she figure me out? I reread the poems, no personal mentions, no dates.. shit. What if she found that letter? I looked through the crumpled papers, no, no, no-no-NO-NO-NO! I fell back into the papers.

Im so dead.. I thought miserably, she must not think the same way..

I pulled the hoodie back down over my face, damn.


There was a bead of sweat inching down my forehead, though to my credit, the boy was sweating like a pig. He'd used that dragon for a long time, and both of us had felt the heat, but I eventually pulled enough wind into reach that I could buffet it to nothing. Then he started with bullets, and waves, and more fireballs.. I'd used my fists of wind to push them off, to make shields, but it was almost impossible to land a punch on him. Then I remembered a sneaky technique Zagzagel mentioned. I reached for the ground slowly while maintaining my wind shields and punches. Then I tugged at the boys shadow, he felt a little jolt, but I found out how easy it was going to be to pull on his shadow. I dragged the shadow towards me violently, the boy had no choice, and was pulled along right under my hand. I held him down, and when he struggled, I summoned fire into my hand and held it close to his face threateningly. He stopped wriggling, but held on tight to my hand with both his hands, Angel strength compared to human strength is like an elephant compared to a germ. No comparison.

"Round!" called Tiger from over her stopwatch.  

I smirked and let the little germ scuttle back to his spot just as the blue symbols faded, then I summoned my throwing knives, some practice wouldn't hurt. They appeared on my thighs, making the boy's eyes bug out, "Yes" I said,

"'Yes' what?" he replied sounding confused,

"You were wonderng if they hurt." I said, he gave a jolt of fear.

Obviously I had struck some thought of his, and while Angels couldn't read minds unless under the circumstances of certain rituals, guessing right was an easy enough way to get people to believe that we could whenever we wanted, "Yes, just ask the big buff guy I fought this morning."  

I saw Vince and Finn crumble and wince a bit while remembering how the knives had been stuck in Ezekiel. This was no comfort to the germ, who looked completely terrified thanks to their reaction. Then he puffed up and tried to look strong, even though I could see through his façade.  

"Final round!!" roared tiger again, bringing to life all the symbols in play, though this time they glowed an ominous green.

I flexed my fingers, pulling out say, three, knives and holding them between my knuckles. The boy was shaking but seemed to compose himself in time to pull out a fire long-sword. The two of us circled each other slowly, and the silence built up tense moment, both of us and the crowd waiting for the first strike. Suddenly the boy started to fidget, a dead give away to his following move. he ran at me and attempted some sort of flip-like strike with his long sword. I side-stepped and evaded it with ease, only to see him land and turn around and slam about a million strikes in my direction. Suddenly I appreciated the lightness of his longsword, and found myself blocking his attacks with small barrier spells over the back of my palms. Granted, this kid was a speedy trickster, but how long could he last?


Ava was on her heels at this point, blocking the swift attacks of the tiny Ignis wizard. my heart skipped a beat as Ava tripped over backwards, her kneck met with the fire longsword, the boy then laughed tiredly “Given up yet girly?”

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