Eight: Ace

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I saw the red eyed man last night again, I woke up in a cold sweat and I was sure that he was standing at the foot of my bed. I swear I saw his glowing crimson eyes burning into my soul.

This time I didn't have the sweet relief of seeing Mona, glowing in angelic light that chased away the darkness that encompassed the red eyed man.

In this dream I was sitting in my kitchen, my mom was making dinner and humming the tune of Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra. She's always had a thing for him and his songs, when I hear his songs I think of her.

Anyways, mom opened the oven and eerie black fog circles her. Panic shook my courage away as the fog turns into the red eyed man again, his eyes casted vermilion circles on the ceiling.

"Mom!" I screamed but the man turns to me.

He sent me a evil grin and my insides turned cold. I mustered all of my courage to protect the queen of my home, this thing was not going to take my mother away from me if I had anything to say about it!

"Take me instead!" I insisted and the man's smile broadened.

"Well." His voice whipped in my ears like the wind. "If you insist."

Just as the man started to advance towards me, I shook myself away from slumber. The first thing I did was run downstairs to make sure my mother was still okay and there she was, making breakfast and humming Frank Sinatra.

My heart fell into a regular pattern and I could breathe easy knowing my mother was safe. She looked at me like I was a crazed man because of the hasty manner in which I entered the kitchen. Despite that, my mom sent me a warm smile and offered me some pancakes.

I may know that my mom is safe but I'm unsure about Mona, one of the commandments that our gang has to follow is that you respect all the queens in your life and Mona is one of them. But it's hard to respect and keep someone safe if you don't see them.

Mona wasn't at school on Monday or today, Lewis was a little disappointed that he couldn't see Mona on his birthday. I suggested that we could invite her to the ceremony and that seemed to lift his spirits some, that made me feel great as an older brother. I love watching Lewis light up like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

I know it seems like I was being a great older brother but I'm also being a little selfish, my heart misses Mona and I wanted an excuse to see her again. I haven't seen her since I drove us home after Mona kissed me. I need to see her and I need to talk to her. I need to see her smile and I need to make her laugh. I just need her.

"I'm coming, Moe." I smile as I walk proudly across the street.

I rap on the Phillips family's door and then tuck my hands into my jacket pockets, I look at the monochromatic sunset. Yellows bleed into oranges and pinks bleed into dark violets as the sun disappears. The sunsets in Oakmeadow might just be the most beautiful sunsets in the entire world.

The door in front of me opens and I lock eyes with Mr. Phillips' dark grey eyes, he's as tall as me but much broader across the shoulders. Thick layers of muscle sheathe his chest and arms. The man studies me and lets out a low growl in greeting.

"Hello, Mr. Phillips." I greet with conviction. "My name is Ace Hart and I live across the street, I drive your daughter to school every morning." I talk and the man's face does not change a bit. "I couldn't help but notice that Mona hasn't been at school the last couple days and—"

"She's not feeling well." The man tells me and closes the door.

I don't like the way that this conversation ended. Her father didn't even seem concerned that his daughter is ill. Mr. Phillips just gives me an uncomfortable vibe, I'm sure I'm just overreacting.

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