14// The Deal

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As Pacifica leads you through the town, you try to pick out the differences between this dimension and yours. At first, you don't notice much.

But then you start to see the people.

In your dimension's Gravity Falls, the people are a little clueless, but happy. They usually have smiles on their faces and stop to greet each other as they pass by. Here, you see almost no smiles. People walk with their shoulders hunched and their eyes directly in front of them, not even acknowledging passersby.

"Dismal, isn't it," Pacifica says, noticing your look of sadness.

"Yeah," you say. "My Gravity Falls is much happier than this."

She puts her hands in her jacket pockets and sighs. "Wouldn't that be nice."

She leads you towards the most prominent building in the small town: a sweeping, light blue tent with a colorful star on the top. The star has an eye in the center, which reminds you immediately of Will and renews your resolve.

"He's in there?"

"I'm not sure," Pacifica replies. "But the Tent of Telepathy is the best place to start. There's a basement network of underground rooms."

"That sounds about right," you say. "The place where Will is held looked underground to me."

Pacifica shoots you a curious glance. "How did you meet Will, anyway? You two aren't even in the same dimension."

You shrug. "I'm not exactly sure, honestly. He just started showing up in my dreams, and we became friends. Then last night I found out about his captivity, and I came to rescue him."

"Became friends?" Pacifica asked. "I mean, I try to befriend pretty much everything, but Will has been. . . unwilling. If you'll forgive the pun. That's impressive that you managed to get through to him."

The two of you reach the entrance to the tent, and you have to be quiet to sneak in. It's surprisingly easy, considering there's no door barring your way.

You look around the empty tent. No twins, not even a guard. Why would there be? To most townspeople, this is just another place for wholesome entertainment.

You and Pacifica go up on the stage, and there's a dried brown stain on it that looks remarkably similar to blood. You shiver. Wholesome indeed.

"This way," Pacifica says. She leads you backstage. "Start looking for a door that seems to lead underground."

The first door you try leads to dressing rooms, the next to stage props. Then Pacifica pulls open a door, and a blaring alarm goes off.

She shoots you a look of fear. "Come on," you say, already three steps down the stairs. "If all else fails, we can just escape with the dimension hopper."

The alarm follows you both down the stairs, and you can't help but find it ominous that you're descending a dim staircase with its wail at your back.

Still, you've got to keep going. Will needs you.

Once the stairs end, you find yourself in a hallway with multiple doors. Your heart sinks. What if the door to Will's cell is locked?

You don't remember Mabel unlocking it to get in or locking it behind her when she left, though, so you just have to hope for the best.

You and Pacifica try door after door. Most of them are unlocked, leading into a seemingly-empty room with a cell in the back half. You run in and touch the bars in every room, but no blue triangles appear. Then, in about the fifth or sixth room, a pudgy young boy with white hair lifts his head when you walk in.

"Gideon!" Pacifica exclaims. She runs to his cell and grabs his hand through the bars. "Are you okay? Have they hurt you?"

"N-no," Gideon says. He has a faint Southern accent. "Just stuffed me in this cage."

"Well, we're here to get you out," Pacifica says.

Gideon looks at you. "Who's this?"

"Her name's Yasmin. She's from another dimension."

Gideon's eyes widen. "Really?"

"Yes," you say, "and I'm here to rescue Will."

"Will Cipher?" Gideon asks. "Why would you do that?"

"Because the twins have him captive," you say, "and force him to do their dirty work. He doesn't deserve that. I'm here to put a stop to it."

"Okay, sure," Gideon says. He turns to Pacifica. "There's a problem with this rescue attempt, though. How are you going to get me out?"

She bites her lip. "Um. . . well, Yasmin and I set off an alarm coming down here. The twins are probably on their way. So. . . maybe we can steal the key from Mabel somehow?"

Gideon's already-pale face blanched. "What? Mabel is coming now?"

Right. You'd forgotten that you were on a time crunch. "We have to go find Will before it's too late," you say.

Pacifica looks between you and Gideon, obviously torn. "It's fine," you say. "I'll just go. You stay here with Gideon."

You run out of the room and start hastily checking doors, running in and touching the bars of every cell you find.

Finally, Will appears behind the bars, floating there in his triangle form. "Yasmin!" he says. "Thank goodness."

"We don't have much time," you say. "I'm here. Now what?"

"Now we try my idea." Will's blue glow grows bright enough that you have to look away, and when you look back, he's in his teenage boy form. "Grab my hand."

You reach out and take Will's hand through the bars, as if you're shaking on something.

"Okay," he says. "My power is limited to deals. I can do almost anything, but I have to make a deal first."

You start to catch on. "Like. . . give yourself a physical form?"

"Exactly," he says. "So what's our deal?"

You think on that. "Will Cipher," you say. "If you give yourself a physical form, I will rescue you from here and give you safe passage to my dimension."

And then you shake on it.

Nothing seems to happen at first, but then Will's eyes light up. "I. . . I can feel it working," he says. "It's working! I'm turning physical! Here, exit the mindscape."

You touch the bars again and step back. Will disappears.

Except. . . he's slowly fading into view. He starts out ghostly, but becomes more and more solid. The first thing you can make out is his huge grin.

He becomes completely solid and starts to laugh in disbelieving joy. "It worked! It really worked!"

A sense of relief and happiness sweeps through you. You start cheering for him, but then stop as you realize something. "Wait. You're physical now. . . but you're still stuck in that cell."

Will grins. "I'm not in the mindscape anymore," he says. "And my power is no longer limited to deals."

He waves his hand, and the bars bend apart like they're made out of clay instead of metal. Once the hole is big enough, Will steps through it and pulls you into a joyful hug.

You hold him close. You've hugged him before, but this. . . this feels more real, somehow. Before it was just in dreams. Now, it's in person.

And you never want to let go.

Across Dimensions //Will Cipher x Fem!Reader//Where stories live. Discover now