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Have you ever had that feeling that someone is watching you, but if you ask people they say "it's your guardian angel."
Well that's happened to me.

My name is Y/N L/N and I have a Guardian Demon.
And this is the story.


The cold London air of autumn hit my face as I shut the door of my warm house. I decided to go to Starbucks for a seasonal drink! And to meet my best friend Phil.
Phil and I met when we were 5. Well, I was 5 and he was 13. He was my mum's friend's son. Phil was friends with my brother Thomas before Tom went to a different Uni and turns out we have a lot in common.
He got me into anime so that's a plus!

After a few minutes of walking and bumping into a few people I finally got to Starbucks. As I opened the door a rush of warm air hit my body and the smell of coffee filled the air.
I sighed and looked around for Phil and saw him sitting by a steamed window. He didn't have a drink with him yet so he must've been waiting.

"Phil!" I said happily, Phil looked up from his phone and smiled.

"Y/N! I've missed you so much!" He smiled engulfing me in a tight hug. I laughed and hugged back.

"I missed you too! How was Florida?" I asked. Phil went to Florida with his family because he hasn't seen then in a while also he needed to clear his head.

"It's was great! How's the apartment going?" He asked. I'm also moving out. I have a feeling my old flat was haunted, I could feel a presents everywhere I went. I hated it. But I still feel it.

"It's going well, hows- uh- the Dan thing going" I mumbled.
This is where it gets dark.

Dan Howell. My best friend. First best friend. First time and crush.

He- he died.

In a Plane accident.

Both Dan and Phil we're going to an event abroad. I remember helping them and watching them both board that plane. I was so happy. They were so happy. Dan was so happy.
The captain said there was going to be minor turbulence. They said it was going to be fine.
3 percent out of five died. Phil was lucky. Dan was not.

"Oh." Phil said with a voice crack. "Maybe we should talk about this at the apartment" he gave a weak smile and so did I. This has been the first time in 4 months he's let me or anyone else in the apartment. He hasn't done any video accept one for Dan. He hasn't texted anyone until now. He didn't want to do anything.
I nodded and we both left Starbucks.
We walked in silence until I broke it.

"Louise is worried" I said. Phil didn't make any emotions nor sound. " So does Dean." Nothing " So does Jack, Dodie, Tom, Chris and PJ." Absolutely nothing. "PJ wants you to talk to him"
His mouth opened.

"Maybe I don't want to talk" he snapped, "He's dead Y/N. And he's never coming back"
I was taken aback.
Phil has always been a laid-back, kind, awkward person. I've never heard him talk like this.

"At least try, Phil. They're worried." I mumbled.
We got to the apartment and Phil fumbled around with his keys until the door opened.

Everything was fine. Tidy.
I walked around the house in silence.
I got to Dan's room.

It's the same as when I last saw it.
The bed was un made. Camera still up. Books and surfaces had dust layered on top.

I went back to Phil to see him making a cup of tea in the kitchen.
He didn't turn around, he just kept stirring the tea bag around the boiling water.

"Remember when Dan put on that bunny suit" I didn't move, "Remember when we danced around the kitchen at Halloween?" I opened my mouth to talk "Remember when we had a lot of drinks on New year's and you and Dan kissed under the mistletoe we forgot to take down"

"Phil. Please stop" I said calmly. He was shaking. I could hear muffled sobs. He bit his lip to muffle them. His tears dripping in the tea. "I'm calling PJ"

-Time Skip-

"Phil? Phil! Hey buddy. It's going to be okay. Just. Just breath. Okay bud. It's going to be okay' PJ said rubbing circles in Phil's back. We moved Phil to the sofa we put on Attack On Titan, gave him hot chocolate and put on the fire. PJ looked at me and then the time.

"You- you should probably be heading home" PJ mumbled. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Bye Peej" I said hugging him. I bent down to look at Phil in the eyes. " Bye Philly" I kissed his cheek "call me if you need anything"

Then I walked out the door. I untangled my earphone and put my music on shuffle. Of course. Muse.
I sighed and walked down the cold and dark streets of London.
Obviously it was full if drunk lads and dizzy tarts at this time. I hugged my shoulders for warmth as the swirls my breath made in the air calmed me down. I looked to my right to the other side of the road to see a figure, around in his 20s. He had dark curly hair and kinda bright clothing.

"Dan?" I said out loud. I threatened myself not to blink otherwise he could disappear. But winter won this battle and he left my sight.
I shook my head and sighed. I kept walking and walking. More and more songs plaued. And more and more drunk people passed me.

I finally got to the warmth of my apartment. It was geeky and a little vapourwave aesthetic. I smiled as I heard the meow on my little cat Molly. She was a small black cat. Fully grown. Just tiny.
Dan always loved Molly. They had a strong bond. I smiled and tickled her back as she rubbed herself in my shin.
I giggled and took my shoes and coat off.
I walked into the kitchen and placed a bowl of food down for Molly and she happily munched down on the food.
I yawned and remembered the time. 2:26am. I sighed and walked into my room. I took each piece of clothing off one by one and put an oversized Twenty One Pilots shirt on and old PJ shorts on and hopped into bed.

I turned the light off and shut my eyes ready to fall asleep.

"So, you and Phil a, thing... Now?"

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