Heading Out to the Countrysides

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A few hours pass, could say about 3 half. Ryuu's group were still driving. They have made it to the countryside. Which was easier than Ryuu had expected.

Why didn't I know my way around better? For a month too!

He turn to look out the small window gap. Wind blew in his face and his hair sway a bit. There were houses here and there. Each house was a good yard apart. That's so that the one living there have their own small field. The view wasn't special but felt spectacular to Ryuu.

"Is your home near this part of the countryside?" Nanoji asked. Ryuu turn and shook his head. Nanoji had another candy in his mouth. Akare forest, their destination is his home to be truthful.

Nanoji stare at Ryuu for a good one minute. The newcomer wasn't talkative or rude like some of the hunters in the association. In fact, he's respectful of people he just met and knows when its his turn to talk. Nanoji had to admit that Ryuu was a bit too quiet.

It's like he's hiding something. He did seem hesitant to tell us about his background information other than his name.

Ryuu fidget with his hands as Nanoji stare at him. What should he say now? Ryuu look back at Nanoji through his bangs. Even with his eye cover, Ryuu felt uncomfortable.

He might grow suspicious if I don't talk more about myself.

"Nanoji, don't stare too much, no one would talk if you stare them down." Kouta advised from the front. He lean back and wave at Ryuu.

"I wasn't. Just trying to start a conversation... I'm bored." Nanoji pleaded out. He show no emotion on his face. Yet his eyes look dignifying. His dark green eye with a bit of gray look at Kouta. Shistuki pat Nanoji back and hand him a chocolate bar.

"Here, try this one. We'll stop by a field on for a look around later. That should be a worthy experience." Shistuki explained. Nanoji tear the chocolate package and bite into it. His eye show a spark of hearts. Ryuu swear there were stars in Nanoji's eyes.

Shistuki took out a comic book and threw one to Ryuu. But didn't expect Ryuu to be so slow. So the book hit Ryuu's head and hit him. Ryuu immediately look up surprise. His forehead throb a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you," Shitsuki look apologeticly at Ryuu. He scratch the back of his head. Nanoji look at Shitsuki with a 'you just have to do that don't you?' face. Then look at Ryuu who was still a bit shock. Good thing Kouta isn't looking.

"It's alright. My self awareness is bad so I always get myself in trouble..." Ryuu explained and look at the two. He look down then up with hesitant. Would they laugh if he tell them about his earlier experience? Ryuu thought back to all the times of bad luck he had been experiencing. They were seriously silly to the eye.

Nanoji and Shitsuki waited for Ryuu to talk more. They expected him to since he's like a introvert. But not that much either. Ryuu could be more shy to the eye or simply doesn't like to talk. So they glance at him and to the front several time. The two wait for about 3 minutes, and then a mumble sound from Ryuu.

"What did you say Ryuu?" Shitsuki ask. The mumble was so low that he can't call it audible. Nanoji sitting right beside him spun to the newbie that join a couple hour ago, puzzled.

"I get into troubles often and luck isn't with me all that much. Sometimes I get involve into business that's not mine..." Ryuu started. He look up to see the two hunter reaction then back down again. He tap his feet on the floor of the truck.

"The first time I arrive, there was a fountain I pass at a park. It was hot that day too. I only wanted to sit by the edge for a bit to relax... but a pigeon came flying my way. I was surprise by the sudden encounter and topple back..." Ryuu said and lower his head more from embarrassment on the last part. He heard a laugh from Shitsuki and grew fluster.

"Ha ha ha ha---OWW!" Shistuki midlaugh was hit by Nanoji. He holds both hand on the bump. Giving Nanoji a childish expression. Nanoji only respond to Shitsuki is a 'hmph'. Then the two look back at Ryuu with undivided attention. Ryuu gulped.

"There's was another time a kid ran by me when I was out. He shove a doll in my hand. It belongs to a 5 year old girl. Her mother got the wrong idea of me and lecture me. I wondered into a hospital once by mistake." Ryuu told the two some of the incident.

"This morning when I went for a walk, a 8 year old boy shoot water a me from a watergun."

Shitsuki cover his mouth then. It was too much for him. But he somehow manage to stop any laugh from coming out of his mouth. It was a wonder how he hold out that long. Kouta and Iono in the front were listening silently. Kouta look back at them from a reflection mirror. The three at the back talk for about 10 more minutes before silence settle in again.

"Ha... young fellow like Ryuu ane Nanoji are good to have around. Shistuki talks like a teen too. Don't you agree Iono?" Kouta exclaimed. He glance to his left at Iono. Whilst Iono gave a nod and continue steering the truck.

And this one is too focus on his task.

The truck drive past half the countryside already. The fields they pass were widespread. Crops and water lay on both side. A few tractor were driving across the fields. Ox were pulling heavy wagons load with crops along the field. A farmer by each one.

Just a viewpoint from a child here...

"Look Kei!" A child cried out and pointed. The child along with a another smaller child look at a moving truck. They have seen 2 trucks already. But are all different ones. A truck in a countryside is rare for them. The two watch in awe and watch the truck drive pass them. All the way and it disappear in the distance.

The small group of angel hunters drove far and accomplish much distances in the 4 hours they been through. They stop at a field to stretch. Ryuu steps out of the truck and look around. The field were fill with green. In the distant were hills and a few houses.

I know this place. I flew by this place before!

Ryuu look around with rejoice at his own recognition of the field. The other four hunters stretch and look around too. It been hours on that truck. It would make anyone insane to be on it for so long. Just as Shitsuki said earlier the group stood in the warm sunlights.

Iono scan through the place with a studious look. It's important for him to learn anything he come across Ryuu guess. He trudge across the path gazing at the work done here. The green grew all the way to the other side. It remind him of his home which was cover in green. Plants of many cover most of the forest. Ryuu gave each of the hunters a look. Kouta had been standing at the edge looking over the hill. Nanoji was unexpectedly leaning against the truck with Shitsuki reading a comic.

Not long after the breath they climb back inside. Ryuu end up in the middle of the back seat. Nanoji at his right and Shistuki to his left. He quaver nervously and stilled.

Soon after hours of driving, forest on top of a hill came into view.  Akare forest. The sun was setting and they need to get their before darkness falls.

Ryuu couldn't help but take that moment to be relieved. He was finally approaching his home. A blush made it way to his face. It wasn't because he's embarrass but rather happy. Finally near home made Ryuu very happy and eager. The hunters had brought him back to his home without knowing anything yet.

Now I just need to disappear from the group without being notice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2018 ⏰

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