The Headquarters of Hunters

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Two figure were walking side by side as they approached the gateway. They are Ryuu and the man that dragged him there.

The man pull out a silver card with fancy looking words and numbers on it. Then swipe it on a machine on the gate. A few seconds later the gate opened. Ryuu look up as the gate open. Even he felt awe by the size of the gate and the building after it.

"Come on," the man said. He grabbed Ryuu's wrist and they walk in. The gate closing behind them.

To Ryuu, it feels like he's being force to enter. As if he's on a sentence just before death. His shoulder sagged a bit as the man opens the door.

Inside, the room was spacious yet refine. Quite grand. Not like his home base but still amazed him. Ryuu looked up at the high ceiling where a chandelier hung. Furniture and relaxing feel row off at Ryuu.

"Come little fellow, we need to get you your uniform. Then a self introduction to our association. Right this way." The man said with a warm smile. Ryuu smile a bit wryly at him.

"Ha ha..." Ryuu gave a small laugh than timidly follow through.

Why am I always in troublesome situation? Is this the punishment given to me for leaving home?

They enter a dark room and the man turn on a light switch. He went ahead to a closet. Then quickly opened it to reveal a line of uniform.

"Let me measure you. Come." He gestures for Ryuu to come over. Ryuu walked over and stood beside the man. The man took a measurer from a bin at the top, then turn to Ryuu.

"Stretch your arm out," he instructed. Ryuu stretch his arm and gulped. What's this man doing? The man lean the measurer on him and wrapped it around him. He studied the measure then measure Ryuu's hip. Ryuu stood absolutely still as he could.

Not really wanting to provoke the man. He doesn't want to be sold out to be a angel. God thanks god that his back stopped hurting for now. If the pain continue, he would be in trouble. As the man finish and stood, and put the measurer back, Ryuu eye wonder a bit. What's this place suppose to be? Since he never been in a human building, just his angel kind home, he did not know much.

There was a chair and something like a pole sticking to the wall. A few shoes and pictures.

"Here, try this one on, it's the only one that's thin enough to fit your size." He stated and hand the uniform over.

Ryuu hesitantly took it and look back at the man for a second than look down. The uniform was a black color with gray stripes near the hood and edge.

He wore it over his black shirt and button up the button. He then straighten up and glance over at the man who was watching him put it on.

"It suit you amazingly along with that face of yours. It remind me of something..." the man complimented and then trail of. Ryuu gasp at his final sentence and quickly turn to the opposite direction.

He's figuring out! I'm done for...!

"Oh, I almost forgot, you need to be introduce. Come on." The man tug at Ryuu's collar again and they both went out. Ryuu sigh silently as he tries to calm his beating heart. If he play his part wrong then he's basically dead. A good-for-nothing. A certain thought came to his mind at the moment.

First a attack by a small group of kids. Now being force to join the hunter association because I couldn't speak properly earlier...

Ryuu hang his head low and he was dragged along. The hall was decorated with elegant pictures and fabric. Rug cover the floor and the windows shone light in. It's quite a calm scene for anyone who live here. Ryuu find it soothing but still is stiff. He was still sweating and quivering.

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