Day 12

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Day 12 : Three Reasons you like/love PVRIS

Firstly they're cool as frick and as someone who listens to music a lot their sound was refreshing. Because it's an electronic pop alternative you can hear guitars the synth is on point. And they have a reason to have drum beats in place and in the studio Lynn does drums but they put a drum beat to.

Lynn is gay af. No I'm not cis and I offense to the cis people who might be reading this.
But Brian,Alex,Justin and obviously Lynn are LGBTQ+ supporters and they're all open to the idea of feminists. Lynn I believe said on an interview she's a feminist and supports the movement.

From the start PVRIS was destined to go big. Lyndsey is so polite to fans, Brian and Alex are always nice to fans and they keep up the Bralex thing subtlety with a few jokes here and there.
Justin is okay with not being in the spotlight so much, and isn't being a b!tch like some people might.

Yes I know i missed a day, but in my defense I went to see OM&M CANE HILL Fire From The God's blessthefall And MSCW And Wattpad was being a lil brat and not letting me post this.

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