Ladybug stood. "I would come tonight, if I could. But, I do have something to take care of. It might be a while, but I will definitely join you by the end of the week. There is someone who has said that they will stop by soon, but they haven't. If they don't stop by by the end of the week, I think I will just give up on them coming by."

Adrien nodded. "I see. Well, you should get back to waiting for this mystery person of your own."

Ladybug nodded a goodbye and jumped off, heading away. Adrien started to make his rounds again, and ended up at his usual location he ended his patrols: the building across from Marinettes' bakery. He looked down at Marinette, who was sitting on top of her building, reading a book. She was curled up on a chair with a steaming mug sitting next to her.

Adrien nearly turned away, but what Ladybug said rang in his head. "You don't need a good time to talk, Chat. You just have to want to talk."

Adrien made up his mind. He was going to talk to her. Well, maybe she didn't want him to talk to him? She was reading a book, maybe she was really into it. But, if he kept coming up with excuses, he would never get up the nerve to talk to her.

Adrien threw a small pebble from his roof onto her balcony, catching her attention. Marinette jumped, looking up and spotting him on the opposite roof. He gave an awkward smile and wave, and she smiled back, gesturing for him to join her on her balcony.

"I wasn't sure that you would return." Marinette said when Adrien had landed. "I mean, you probably save many people."

Adrien smiled slightly. "Well, I figured that I should thank you for the awesome scarf. It is very nice. I can't believe that you made it!"

Marinette looked downward, blushing slightly. "I have been sketching designs for a few years now, and have recently started to make the things I design."

Adrien smiled. "You really have a gift for these things." He was just about to mention that he might be able to get her a good word with his father, but managed to catch himself in time.

"Thank you, Chat Noir."

Adrien glanced at the book Marinette had been reading. "Well, it looks like I am interrupting something important. This looks like a school textbook."

Marinette rolled her eyes. "It is. Physics. I'm good at physics, but I am not great. I mean, some of these equations are just... ugh."

Adrien stifled a laugh. As it turned out, physics was one of his best subjects in his lessons at home. "Maybe you should find someone who can help you."

Marinette gave a short laugh. "Nino is no good, and Alya always has to help her sisters, she would probably try to murder me if I tried to get her to help another person with school."

Adrien thought for a moment. "Is there anyone else that you know who might be able to help?"

Marinette shook her head. "No, that's the extent of people that I know well enough to just ask for help with physics."

"Maybe you should ask someone who you don't know as well. Who knows, you might get lucky. Well, I am sorry, but I think that I must go for now. It's getting pretty late."

Marinette grabbed his arm as he turned to leave. "Hey, Chat? I know that this may be asking a lot of you, but... well... do you know a lot about physics?"

Adrien froze. Damn, he was planning on running into her again tomorrow, and hoping that she would ask him then. He was supposed to get to know her as Adrien, right? So why was he agreeing? "Yeah, I do! I can swing by every once in a while to lend a helping hand."

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