The Dangers Of A Turret

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They were shooting at you. Bullets flying through the air following the laser sight pointed directly at your chest. Good thing there was a panel of bullet proof glass in front of you. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth. You knew what you had to do, you've done it plenty of times; it even gave you a little pleasure to see those suckers burn.

Walking over to the dispenser button, you hear some of the turrets some of the turrets talking to you. Snatches of 'firing', 'I see you' and 'hello friend' could be heard over the cacophony of turret fire. You tend to just ignore these, they are only machines after all. Every response, even their killing desire is just a program, it's not their fault they were built that way.

As you push the button, you glance up and notice that one turret wasn't firing at you. Probably a malfunction you say to yourself while shrugging. You pick up the discouragement redirection cube with the anti-gravity part of your portal gun and head over to the 'thermal discouragement beam' (laser). Time to get the dirty work over and done with.

You line up the laser with the first turret and the fire show begins. The turret cries out in pain, but you ignore it. After all it's only simulated pain, right? Going down the line of turrets, they all start crying out in their tinny voices. The next turret in line seemed...different. It was the one that was malfunctioning, that didn't shoot at you. Closer and closer the laser beam cam to the turret. It began shaking.

That was a different reaction than every other turret you have sent to their death, even the malfunctioning ones. This one seems, actually afraid. The laser was mere inches from hitting the turret when it screamed out 'NO, I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NONONONONONONO!'

Certainly not what you were expecting. You drop the mirror cube, not wanting to destroy the unusual turret. Manoeuvring yourself so that you avoid destroying that one particular turret, you finish off the rest with delight. The special turret seems relieved and releases a robotic sigh.

You finish off the puzzle by pointing the laser where it needs to go to raise the platform, so you can proceed to the next area. As you pass by the turret it pleads with you to take it with you. Half-way up the stairs you pause, a thought passes through your mind. What about the emancipation grill? You look up to said grill and notice that it seems to be malfunctioning.

Shrugging, you head back down the stairs and pick up the turret with your portal gun.

"Thank you, thank you THANK you!" it exclaims, "you have no IDEA how much I DIDN'T want to die!"

You roll your eyes and head over to the chute that will take you to the next area. As you enter the next chamber, you pause for a second to determine what the best way to approach this puzzle is. Figuring out what you need to do, you drop the turret, so you can place some portals, one going beneath the companion cube dispenser and the other right above the button.

Before you can reach the button and push it, the turret cries out "Don't leave me! Take me with you!"

You shoot a glare at the turret, silently asking it to shut up and telling it that you are only going to be pushing a button then picking it up again. The turret seems to understand all this in the one glare you shoot at it and decides to stop talking. You huff a sigh while shaking you head then proceed to the button.

Completing the puzzle with ease, you head back to the turret and pick it back up again; looking at it with an 'I told you so face'. The turret doesn't respond. You roll your eyes and head through the door and into the chute.

A few more chambers pass this way. Although in some of them the turret offers you encouragement, and at these small praises (which you never received from GLaDOS) you just had to smile. You even admit to yourself that the turret seems to be growing on you.

In a few chambers the turret even offers you pieces of advice when you get a little stumped on what to do next. It gives you hope and delight that you are not completely alone in this world. You even seem to have some form of conversation with it. Mostly it talking and you give it look which it seems to comprehend the meaning from.

The two of you made quite the pair.

GLaDOS was not very happy about this new alliance. She had been watching the both of you, well not that she had much else to do. She could see that you two were getting quite close, and she would not allow you to have any semblance of pleasure while she was in control. Something needed to happen. For how could you be happy when she wasn't?

In the next chamber you came across something that you had not encountered yet. Some form of liquid, probably dangerous knowing GLaDOS. You look at the turret hoping it had some insight as to what this mysterious substance was, it did not disappoint.

"Bad, bad, bad!" mutters the little robot, "no, don't drop me in there, don't fall in yourself. Everything dies, dies DIES! That goes in there, yes yes YES!"

You shrug. You've faced way more dangerous things while going through the chambers. Deciding what your gonna do to complete this chamber, you lovingly and carefully place down your mechanic companion far away from the death water.

Proceeding with the tasks that need to be done to complete this chamber, you fail to notice the panels of the wall moving behind you. You only noticed something was wrong when you heard the tinny robotic voice of your friend. Screaming as loud as possible. "NO NO NO! SAVE ME! HELP HELP HELP I DON'T WANT TO DIE!"

Fear dropping through your body, you whip around to the source of the despairing cries. You rush to the edge, boots clanking against the metal as you fall to your knees and discarding your portal gun. The turret was sinking beneath the surface as you reach out a hand towards it. Its muffled cries can be faintly heard through the water.

"No! DON'T!" it warbles "I love you..."

And that was the last thing you heard from it as it explodes.

You hang your head in despair, a single tear rolling down your cheek. You never expected this to happen, neither meeting and liking the turret, or it dying.

GLaDOS watches with a simulated feeling of smugness as you suffer silently. Her work was done for now.

The Dangers Of A TurretHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin