Chapter 22: Compulsion

Depuis le début

"Damon!" I shouted, jumping in front of him only for him to walk right through me. "Damon! I'm right here, look at me! I'm right here!"

"He can't see you." A voice spoke up and I spun around to look at the source. The shock I felt right now rivaled that of when I saw Kol, at least when I saw Kol there was a possibility I wasn't seeing things, but now it was certain. "It's good to finally be able to speak with you again, Eva."

I licked my lips as I tried to prevent myself from feeling hunger, after all, I had just gotten my neck snapped. "How is this even possible?"

"When the door to the other side closed, I had a witch do a spell, she couldn't complete it though." My best friend, second to only Katherine, explained to me as I tried to get over the shock. "I'm halfway between living and dead, that means if you ever get your neck snapped you'll be able to see me."

"You're on your very own plane of reality? How is that even possible?"

"It's not my own plane, it's the halfway plane. It's where vampires go when they get their necks snapped and it's also where daggered Original Vampires go. That's how you saw Kol, how you're seeing me."

"But Kol said he was in darkness! This isn't possible, Alexandra, it just isn't."

"They don't remember it once they wake up, I realized that after Rebekah-"

"Wait, Rebekah? She's alive though."

"Not anymore, she kept cursing someone named Elena, I'm assuming you know who that is?"

"Yeah, she's the new doppelgänger. Klaus found her-"

"Klaus? Don't tell me you're chummy with him again."

I looked at her with my best innocent look, but she wasn't buying what I was selling.

"Evangeline Faith Salvatore! Are you insane?"

"No, I'm not insane."

"Really? Because that's sure as hell what it looks like and don't you dare deny it. There are four daggered Original siblings wandering around here somewhere that can attest to your insanity. Klaus killed me! He killed me. Yet you forgive him? The Evangeline I used to know would make him regret the day he ever met you, yet you're just going right back into the loop you got yourself into in New Orleans."

"After tonight Klaus will be dead, fully dead."


"That's why I've got a snapped neck, my brothers and Katherine are killing him and they don't trust me enough to let me assist. You say there's four daggered Original siblings wandering around here?"

"What of it?"

"I need you to help me find Elijah."


"There." Alexandra pointed to someone who's back was turned to us and he turned around, revealing that it was the Original I'd been looking for. "Why did we need to track him down?"

I shook my head. "Not right now, I don't have the time to explain anymore. When I wake up I'll forget all of this, but I need to get something off my chest."

Without another word, Alexandra literally evaporated from my sights and I was left with Elijah. "Evangeline, what are you doing here?"

"Snapped neck, Katherine did it."

"That's what you get for trusting her."

"She did it to protect me, in her own twisted way. I'm assuming you know what I'm doing here."

The Salvatore Sister (A Klaus Mikaelson Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant