The Anatomy of the Female Body

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Love, Kat


Chapter 2


"Welcome to my life where brothers are hated on the daily." I take my seat next to Luke a few seconds before the bell rings. Luke is an only child (lucky him) so he has no idea what it's like living with siblings.

"They aren't that bad."

"No, Kevin isn't that bad, Kai and Kaleb couldn't be more annoying." As I say this, Noah walks in. He has that way of carrying himself, like he knows any and every walking vagina worships him. It's sad, it really is.

"I wish I could help with your family drama, but unlike yours, my parents decided 9 months of pain wasn't worth a second round. Kat?" Luke slaps my desk forcing me and everyone else to turn around and give him our undivided attention. He holds his hands up in apology and everyone returns to their own lives.

"Hey, did I lose you to Planet Noah? Wow I never thought I would even hear the words cross my lips before..." Luke whispers. So no, I haven't told anyone about my freshman through sophomore crush before, let's just say it never came up.

"What no, I was just watching for the door. Mrs. Vasquez hasn't entered the building yet..." I lie, glancing back to Noah for only a moment before looking back to a waiting Luke. 

"Right. Do you remember what I said about the movies earlier? I heard The Neighbors got a lot of good views, I also heard there's boobs..."

"Okay, Mr. Heath, enough talk about the anatomy of the female body! Let's talk Spanish finals!" Mrs. Vasquez, who has sharp ass hearing, announces as she walks into the room. She's a young, mid 30's woman with an understanding of the teenage mind and by far my second favorite teacher.

"Lo siento, Señora Vasquez." Luke mutters to everyone's entertainment.

"Al menos se disculpó, Señor Heath!" She responds back. By now it's like a tennis match, student looks from Señor to Luke waiting for one or the other to speak.

"You lost me there."

"Estudio." She smiles.

"Will do."

"Anyway, Spanish finals before report cards! I won't go too hard on you guys for this one I just need you to pick a partner to preform an American play in Espoñol, under ten minutes. It's a two day process should go by quickly if you know what you're saying! Yes, Señorita Stanford, before you ask, you will need to go up in front and preform! In fact, we are using the auditorium, hurra!" And at this moment, Señora went from my second favorite teacher to most hated.

Slumping down in my seat, I hear Luke's pity sigh next to me. My face heats up at the thought of even going in front of people to do this.

"I'm sure you are all mature enough to pick your partners, I do advise to choose wisely, this is only a chunk of your grade after all. That being said, los libros de texto!" She claps her hands as everyone flips their books open to last night's homework. And from the corner of my eye, I see Noah Caster's defeated and lost face from a mile away.

Three classes, two new homework assignments, and a chatty Jenny later, class is out. Usually, I am all up for school, go learning!, but today seems off. Maybe it's the harsh news that was delivered earlie in Spanish, and maybe it's not, what I do know is it just doesn't feel normal.

"Are we going to lunch today? Subway foot-longs? Yes? No? Maybe so?" Jenny is back to doing what she does best, talking. It's fifth period lunch, and while everyone is already stuffing their face, we stand at my locker in the empty halls.

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