Dare to Date the Geek - Part 2: The Date

Start from the beginning

“Let’s go.” He winked at me. O.o

If it was another nerd from school, I must’ve run away now after freaking out but this guy isn’t the same. I can’t believe that a nerd’s wink would flutter my heart like this.

Hours had passed and we’re now worn out after riding almost every ride we could see. It was so much fun! He’s definitely not the nerd that I think of him before. He knows how to have fun too and the fact that he brought me here is quite a surprise.

We’re finally heading home taking a ride on a bus. I sat next to the glass window while he sat next to me. I can still feel his warm hand with mine. He never once let it go and I just allow him. Our date today was more on having fun than getting to know each other. He seldom spoke up and only talked when I’m asking him questions.

I’m getting curious of this guy. He’s mysterious. His silence is urging me to know him better but since this won’t take long, it’s much better to not know anything about him at all. Yeah, it’s much better that way.

I took a glance at him. His eyes are now closed under those nerdy glasses. I felt curious of how he’ll look like without it so I sneakily put it off with my one hand since he’s still holding the other one.

Woah… there’s no sight of a geek from him. He suddenly became a cool guy sleeping. Tch… what am I even doing now? I snapped out of the thought and swiftly but gently put his glasses back. But before I could even put them back on him, I felt a grip on my other hand which is holding his glasses.

He opened his little eyes. Sh*t! So this is how he looks like without it. He looks… handsome with a hint of cuteness because of his small eyes.

“Why’d you take them off from me? Give me that.” He said in a sleepy voice. I put it on him then smiled.

“I’m just curious on how you’ll look like without it. Sorry.” I apologetically smiled this time. He only smiled back. That’s all he did since earlier. He doesn’t open up any conversation at all nor telling something about his self or his family.

Few more minutes had passed until we reached our stop. We got out from the bus then he walked me to my house where I’m currently staying. Our date ended just like that.

* * *

“So how was it?” Namjoo enthusiastically asked.

“I had fun but…”

“But what?” Bomi said full of anticipation.

“N-nothing.” There was silence so I break it up with a fake laugh. “Ha-ha! Bomi you better get ready to set up my date with Myungsoo. I think I’ll be able to date him by the end of the week.” I confidently said. But deep down inside me, I don’t even know. I better stick to my original plan. I should end this and date Kim Myungsoo.

* * *

The girls were a little bit suspicious lately. They’re always nowhere to be found and all of sudden pops-out out of nowhere.

Anyway, I’ve been dating Sunggyu for these past few days. And I admit that I’m starting to enjoy his company. Rumors of me being his girlfriend are already spreading in the entire school campus. But I didn’t really care on what other people will say. I’m just enjoying spending my time with the school’s geek.

Today, Sunggyu invited me to the music room after class again. I’m guessing he’s going to ask me to be his girlfriend this time. I sighed. A part of me wants to say no if ever he’ll ask me that question but I’m still determined to stick to my original plan.

Walking past the corridor, students all have their eyes on me but not on the usual way they see me as which was admiration but it’s as if they’re disgusted. Maybe it’s because of the rumors of me- being a school’s geek girlfriend. Well I’m soon to be his girlfriend then his future ex-girlfriend after three days.

Dare to Date the Geek (Sunggyu and Eunji) - [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now