Cheez-It, the Cheez-It!

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A long long time ago, in a galaxy far away, - Wait! This isn't Star Wars! Anyway, a long long time ago, there lived a cheez-it named Charles Henry Einstein Eckleson Zukowski-Iguana Turtle. The second part of his name is Iguana Turtle because his mom loved iguanas and his dad loved turtles. Everybody calls him Cheez-It for short. Cheez-It the cheez-it. One night Cheez-It had a dream about Zeus's lightning bolt and decided he wanted to decorate it. So the next day he went on a journey to find Zeus's lightning bolt. Cheez-It was destined to find it.
During the first five minutes of Cheez-It's journey, he realized he had no idea where he was going. He just knew that he needed to get to some sort of cave because that's where the lightning bolt was in his dream. Then in an instant, he was out. When Cheez-It woke up, he knew where he had to go to get to the cave. He didn't know how he got knocked out, but he knew where to go then. He had to get to the Cheez-It Factory because the cave was under it. So Cheez-It walked and walked, and began to get sleepy. Eventually, he started sleep walking. Then he fell into the sea and got to Bikini Bottom. For seconds Cheez-It couldn't breathe. But then Spongebob found him a helmet like the one Sandy has so he could breathe. Spongebob asked, "So what brings you to Bikini Bottom?" "Well, I'm on a journey to find Zeus's lightning bolt so I can decorate it, but then I fell asleep and fell down here." says Cheez-It. "Bahaha" laughs Spongebob. "Sounds fun! Say, if you try a krabby patty, then I'll help you get back up to the shore and give you some decorations." says Spongebob. "Alright. Deal. But what's a krabby patty?" exclaims Cheez-It. Spongebob says, "Only the world's greatest thing on Earth." "Okay." replies Cheez-It. So Spongebob and Cheez-It went to the Krusty Krab. Then Spongebob introduced Cheez-It to everyone and made a krabby patty for him. "Here you go. A nice delicious krabby patty." said Spongebob. So then Cheez-It took a bite and says "This is delicious. I love it!" And then Spongebob and Cheez-It left the Krusty Krab and Spongebob led the way to the shore. "Thank you." says Cheez-It. "Your welcome." says Spongebob, and handed Cheez-It the decorations. "So long!" exclaimed Spongebob. So off Cheez-It went out of Bikini Bottom to continue his journey.
At the shore Cheez-It was able to see the Cheez-It Factory. He walked over there. He made it. Now all he had to do was find the cave. So he searched and searched until he saw something weird. It was a hidden button with a smiley face on it. He pushed it, and then a door opened. There were stairs; a spiral of stairs. Then he went down them to see where it led to. It was the cave. The one from his dream. There was a box too. The lightning bolt must be in there. Somehow he opened it. Surprisingly, all he had to do was say, "Cheez!" to open it. Like from his dream. Then it opened. Poof! And there it was, the lightning bolt. It was so amazing! "Well, let's get to decorating." said Cheez-It. So he put glitter and stickers and all sorts of stuff on the lightning bolt. "Amazing!" said Cheez-It. Then there was a loud roar of thunder. Oh no! It was Zeus! Zeus said angrily, "What did you do to my lightning bolt?!" Cheez-It says "I...I...I'm decorating it." "Why!" replied the mighty Zeus. "Because I had a dream about it and thought it would be fun to decorate it." explained Cheez-It. "Foolish! You must be punished for your crime!" says Zeus. "Why?!" asked Cheez-It. "Because you never mess with my lightning bolt!" said Zeus. Cheez-It exclaimed, "I'm sorry. It will never happen again." "Too late!" Zeus says. Then poof! Cheez-It was gone.
Now Cheez-It is a constellation in the night sky placed by Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, and Hercules. The best time to see Cheez-It is in the winter, especially in December from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. There are five stars that are part of this constellation - 1 blue, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 orange, and 1 red. Each represents a different personality of Cheez-It. So remember, never mess with Zeus's lightning bolt. Or you'll be next to join Cheez-It in the night sky...
The End

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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