Day off~ Little Time <3

Start from the beginning

Yoongi sat there now watching the three with his spoon up to his lips as he listened quietly. Jin sat there watching with his chin propped in his hand, his spoon slowly stirring around in his bowl. It was real sweet and nice to be taken care of and be very loved. A little sigh escaped Jin, little did he realize, he was kind of jealous of Jungkook. He got to be carefree and do the things he wanted without a single thing to stress him. All he had to do was sit back, relax, play and be all loved, cuddled and cared for.

A pout forms it's way across Jin's pink lips. Jin jumped when he felt a hand rest on his lower back. "Jin~Hyung, you okay?" Hoseok asked as he slightly leaned over to him. He kept his hand on his back, he slowly moved it up and down. The gentle rub felt soothing and nice on Jin's back. Without thinking too much about it, he leaned into Hoseok's side. "M' just tired is all..." Jin mumbled as he looked down at their knees pressed together.

Namjoon arched a brow when he glanced at Hoseok and Jin. The sight wasn't unusual, Jin was quite clingy with Hoseok. He was always hugging and touching on Hoseok. Namjoon smiled a bit at them as he finished off his lunch. "You should start resting up more Jin~Hyung, don't want you to over work yourself or get sick." Hoseok softly spoke into his hair as kept rubbing his back. Soon his hand inched forward to Jin's hip, his thumb softly rubbed up and down it. Jin sighed with content at the feeling, he closed his eyes. "I know but I have much work to do and I have to take care of you guys and make sure everything is okay." Jin rubbed his face a bit with his sleeve.

Hoseok made a light smacking noise with his lips. "Ahh, Jin~Hyung, it's okay we're grown boys...we can take care of ourselves and handle things." Right when Hoseok said that, Namjoon dropped his bowl and Kookie flung cake on Jimin's face. Kookie giggled at the sight, he grinned and put the spoon his mouth. "Daddy has cakey on face!" He clapped his hands. "Kookieeeee." Yoongi softly warned.

Jin raised his head to look at Hoseok with narrowed eyes. "Yeah sure you can." He shook his head. Hoseok chuckled a bit and moved from Jin. Jin softly whined when the younger pulled away from him. He covered his mouth and looked away. Did he really just whine??? Jin shook his head and went back to eating his food.

Hoseok was a little caught off by the whine, but he smiled anyway. "Its alright Jin~Hyung, it's good to relax and have to yourself...let us take care of you for once...we can cook, clean and do the chores while you lay back and relax." Hoseok patted his shoulder before getting up to put his bowl into the sink.

Jin stared down into his bowl for a good moment before he looked up to find Namjoon staring at him. A fond smile rested on his features. "Jin~Hyung as your leader, I demand that you take a good break for a week...don't worry about a single thing." Namjoon pats his head before leaving the kitchen. Jimin and Taehyung took their messy little to the bathroom to bathe him.

Yoongi sat there eyeing Jin in silence a little. Something seemed different about him but he wasn't going to say much. "Relax...and take things easy...everything will be alright...we'll be here if you need us." Yoongi gave a half smile before leaving the table. Jin watched as he left the kitchen. His mouth twist to the side as he thought about it.

Jin got up and washed the dishes, he continued all the rest of the chores and cooking.

After a long day, Jin showered and put on his comfy pajamas. He came out from his bedroom to make sure the lights were out and things were put away. Reaching for the light switch, he glanced around a bit. He spotted the same plushie monkey that he had picked up earlier. Jin stared at it for bit til finally he grabbed the monkey and went upstairs to his bedroom.

Jin shut his bedroom door and flopped down on the bed. He groaned and sighed at the soft feel of his bed comforting his tense body. Jin laid there staring at and playing with the monkey. "Maybe, it won't be so bad if...I do have a few days off to myself..." He mumbled as he waved the monkey's arm. He softly giggled at it and made quiet monkey noises. "Mmhnn...your name should be...choco monkey." Jin smiled and hugged the monkey to his chest. He turned over and pulled the blanket up to his shoulder.

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