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2:11 pm

"Summer wait! You dropped your notebook," Solar shouted to me from the other end of the hallway.

"I'll grab it from you on Monday!" I shouted back while walking backward, "I'm gonna miss the bus again!" I turned around and started jogging down the hallway, hoping to reach my bus on time. I've missed the bus the past two days and I knew my mom wouldn't pick me up again.

As soon as I stepped outside, I saw the back of the bus getting smaller and smaller as it drove away. You've got to be kidding me. Today's just my lucky day.


I walked into my house with my head down, looking at my phone screen. I went into the kitchen without looking up from my phone and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. I was halfway through drinking it when my mom's voice interrupted me.

"Summer, meet our new neighbors." The three people sitting on the couch that I didn't notice at first stood up and turned towards me.

There was an older man, an older woman, and a teenage boy who looked about my age. "Hi! I'm Mrs. Seo, this is my husband, Mr. Seo, and my son Johnny," Mrs. Seo said while gesturing to them. Johnny was really tall, had blue/black hair, and really nice eyebrows.

"Hi! I'm Summer. It's nice to meet you," I replied with a smile on my face. I was so excited to have new neighbors. Our old neighbors were awful people. Hopefully, they weren't terrible. They seemed good so far.

"Sit down and let's get to know them," my mom whispered to me while tugging on the back of my shirt. I got the hint and sat down next to her after I took my backpack off and set it on the ground.

"So where's Johnny going to school?" My mom started the conversation with the most boring topic ever.

"He starts at Riverview High on Monday," Mr. Seo replied.

"That's where Summer goes! Maybe she could show him around!"

"But I ha-,"

"Oh, that'd be perfect! Thank you for offering Summer!"

"But I really have som-,"

"Why don't you and Johnny go to your room and get to know each other?" My mom suggested.

"Uh yeah sure. Why not?"


Johnny and I stepped into my bedroom and I shut my door. I walked over to my bed and laid back on it with my feet hanging over the edge and pulled out my phone. After a couple minutes of scrolling through social media, I propped myself up on my elbows and looked over at Johnny. He was leaning up against my wall, looking down at his phone screen.

"You know you can sit down, right? There's room," I said, before looking back at my phone. I heard a couple footsteps before I felt the weight on the bed next to me. Johnny turned to look at me before he cleared his throat. I couldn't see him looking at me but I felt his eyes on me. I locked my phone, placed it on my stomach and looked up at him. He was sitting with his legs crisscrossed, clearly trying not to take up too much room with his long legs.

"You don't have to show me around school Monday if you don't want to. It sounded like you have something else to do," he said quickly.

"Hm? Oh! It's nothing important. I'll just take you with me. Here, put your number in," I replied while grabbing my phone. I unlocked it, went to my contacts and handed it to Johnny. He gave it back to me a few seconds later.

"Hey," I said, sitting up and turning to face Johnny, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

He placed his elbow on his knee and rested his head on the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and shook his head slightly.

"Alright. We're gonna go do something tomorrow. It's easier to get to know somebody when you're actually,  you know, doing something. I'm not always this boring. I swear," I said while making gestures with my hands.

"Yeah sounds good," he agreed.

"Johnny! It's time to finish unpacking," Mrs. Seo called from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming! Hey, it was nice meeting you by the way. See you tomorrow," he said before walking out of my room. I smiled and nodded before laying back on my bed again. I need a nap.


Wow okay hello to anyone reading this. If it sucks I apologize. I just felt like I needed to start writing something.

Neighbor ➳ Johnny SeoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon