Dare to Date the Geek - Part 1: The Dare

Start from the beginning

“Will that even work?” Eunji asked in doubt.

“You’re not confident? Come on! You’re Jung Eunji, remember?” Bomi cheered her up.

“Yeah~ you’re pretty and talented! You’re the school’s Ms. Popular!” Namjoo added.

“That’s what I’m worried about. I’m Ms. Popular and I’m dating the school’s geek?!”

“Hahaha… that’s why it’s called a dare bestie~” Bomi took a bite of her chocolate chips and offered some to Eunji.

“Yeah right! I’m going to show you Ms. Popular Eunji’s charms.” Eunji took a chip and munched it. She’s feeling determined.

The next day… In the library, Eunji sat next to Mr. Nerd’s seat while Bomi and Namjoo stayed right behind watching her from a distance.

“Hi!” she greeted him with a smile on. The guy who’s busy reading a book looked up to her and just nodded then swiftly went back reading the book again.

Aiiish… he didn’t even take a second to look at my pretty face! Is the book much prettier than I am?! Now, I’m keyed up. I’m certainly going to make this nerd fall for me! – Eunji thought to herself and pouted.

“What’s your name… oppa?” she sweetly said calling him oppa. The guy looked up to her and shocked by her question. This time he remained staring at her. Eunji saw him blushed a little bit.

Yeah! Gotcha – she thought to herself again. She giggled and moved a little bit closer to him waiting for his answer.

“Ah… K-kim Sunggyu.” He stuttered. Eunji finds it cute so she smiled.

This guy isn’t bad at all. He’s cute. – Eunji

“I’m Jung Eunji.” She offered a handshake. Sunggyu took it and shake hands with her.

It’s the first time that a girl approached him and he’s even more surprised that it was the Ms. Popular of the university. He suddenly felt suspicious and thought to himself that he’ll never fall for her tricks.

At that time, he noticed that her friends were behind her and saw them high-fived after they shook hands. He immediately sensed that maybe it’s a prank or whatever but he still went with the flow and pretended to be innocent and play dumb of things going on. He’s actually curious of what they’re up to.

The next days, Eunji only sticks around Sunggyu. On the other hand, Sunggyu’s starting to get irritated and tried to avoid her but since she’s persistent, he doesn’t have any choice.

“Why do you always stick with me?” Sunggyu asked her with a hint of irritation.

“Do you hate me?” Eunji asked in return with a cute pout.

Sunggyu felt something strange when he saw her pout. He finds it charming but he looked away and went back to what he’s doing.

“Oppa, meet me at the back of this building after class later. I’ll be waiting for you.” She winked and head out of the library.

After class, Sunggyu was curious of why Eunji wants to meet up with him so he found his self standing right at the place as what she mentioned earlier. He waited for her for almost 15minutes already and there’s still no sight of her.

Aissh… why did I even listen to her? It’s only a waste of time. - Sunggyu thought to himself.

“Oppa! Sorry… we got dismissed late.” Eunji apologized and panted heavily after rushing to the place.

He noticed that she’s sweating too much so he put out his handkerchief. She was about to take the handkerchief from him but he didn’t give it to her instead he started wiping off the sweat from her face.

Dare to Date the Geek (Sunggyu and Eunji) - [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now