Chapter 4: Reveal

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Otto had just been locked in a car with Awsten Knight. This was all of his dreams come true. Except when he'd pictured himself alone with Awsten, he hadn't been wearing a miniskirt.
Before he could sulk more, he heard something that sounded suspiciously like crying. But when he turned to face Awsten, he saw that the purple-haired boy was laughing.
"It was Jawn's idea," he said. "To pretend I was drunk."
"Wait-- you were pretending to be drunk? Why on earth--,"
"Dammit, Otto!" Awsten exploded. Otto froze. How had Awsten known it was him? Of course, it was a pretty shitty disguise. But Awsten didn't even know he existed! "It was to make you jealous. I figured if I hit on Geoff I'd find out if you really liked me or not. Guess I was right."
"But-- how do you even know who I am?" Otto asked, completely bewildered. "Are you even really gay?"
Awsten laughed and shook his head. "Don't you remember?"
Otto shook his head. "Remember what?"
"We met at sleepaway camp when I was ten."
"And you remember that?" Otto laughed.
"Of course I do," Awsten said. He was smiling now. "You were my first kiss."
"Was that real?" Otto asked. "I thought maybe you were just experimenting, or something."
Awsten smiled. "I promise I wasn't. Now, maybe if your friend will let us out of this car, you can change out of that ridiculous skirt, maybe cut your hair... and let me prove it to you."
Just then, there was a sharp knock on the side of the car. Both boys looked up to see Geoff standing outside the car. "You two ready to come out?" He grinned.
Awsten grinned right back at him. "Thought you'd never ask."
Otto was starting to wonder just how much of this Geoff had been in on. Before he could think on it more, the door had opened and Awsten was offering him a hand. He met the eyes of the boy he'd loved for eight years. One blue, one green, both mesmerizing. Otto had spent years wondering what it would be like to hold hands with Awsten and just stare into his eyes. Now he could finally find out. He took Awsten's hand.

He's The Girl - A Waterparks Fanfiction for  Awsten + Travis' Slumber PartyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon