Chapter 1: Introduction

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Awsten Knight was the most charming, intelligent, charismatic, and desired student in the high school. He was captain of the soccer team, got every solo in choir, and could play guitar better than anyone in the school. He was everything anyone ever wanted to be.

But I was not Awsten Knight.

"That doesn't look like geography notes," said Mr. Quinn, peering over Otto's shoulder.

"S-sorry Mr. Quinn," Otto said sheepishly.

Mr Quinn rolled his eyes. Then he moved back to the front of the classroom. Otto let out a sigh of relief. Thank God. He was lucky Mr. Quinn hadn't seen what he'd been writing. It would've been suspicious for a sophomore to be writing about a senior in such... detail.

Lowering his head, Otto decided to put off his writing until lunch. That way, he could consult his new friend.

Geoff Wigington had recently moved to their high school from California. He was a junior, but he and Otto had immediately gotten along. Otto had even been able to confide in him about his crush on Awsten. At this, Geoff had laughed. "I'm pretty sure everyone at this school has a crush on Awsten Knight."

Otto shook his head. "You don't understand. I don't just have a crush on him. I'm in love with him. Seriously!"

"How do you know you're in love with him?" Geoff asked, bemused.

Otto smiled. That stupid smile he always got when thinking about Awsten. "Because," he giggled. "Everything about him is so perfect. His smile. His hair. Just-- everything about him! His eyebrows. His hands. Even his ears. And his arms! Definitely his arms."

"Uh huh." Otto couldn't tell if he'd scared Geoff or not. He was a little obsessed. But instead of looking weirded out, a smiirk spread across Geoff's face.

"You said Awsten's straight, right?" He confirmed.

Otto paused. "I mean-- it's kind of obvious."

Geoff nodded. "Alright. Come to my place after school. I have an idea on how to make him notice you."

Awsten sat between Travis and Jawn at the soccer team's table and tried not to feel uncomfortable. One of his friends, Carter, was trying to figure out if a girl was into him. "I mean, she's just so hot! I can't even talk to her!"
"Just go for it, man," advised Patty.

"What do you think, Awsten?" Carter asked. "Should I go for Kortney?"

"Oh-- um," Awsten shifted awkwardly. "Yeah. Boobs." This seemed to be enough to convince the table of his heterosexuality. He had calculus with Kortney, and knew she wasn't even into guys. But he wasn't sure how to tell this to Carter.

Jawn nudged Awsten. "Hey, there's this party tonight that I'm having," he told the purple haired boy. "Wanna come?"

"Sure," Awsten said, distracted. "Yeah, man. I'll be there."

He's The Girl - A Waterparks Fanfiction for  Awsten + Travis' Slumber PartyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat