Trial 5

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Punkin was BACK in the place of hell, where countless mobs were put to work building a deadly mansion. She stared in the face if the place of death. This was yet again, being back in the Nether. Paul was coaxing Jumbo to his feet saying, "We will find Chirpa, he will be here."

Punkin grabbed Paul and Jumbo, and ran into the mansion. Walls of Nether brick with lava lamps within surrounded them. Paintings of dead people covered the wall. Punkin saw a painting of her mother, pleading for mercy. A baby was in her arms. A baby, named Punkin. The baby had a red circle around it. An X covered the mother's face. All the paintings had X's over every face. Except the baby in the one painting.

"He-He's after m-me?" Punkin said, her face paling. She stood rooted to the ground. Paul grabbed her arm, and pulled. Punkin fell to the floor, unconscious.


Punkin opened her eyes and felt her stomach jerk when she heard Herobrine cackle maniacally. She had to get out of here! Jumbo and Paul limply dragged Punkin to a chamber with thousands of chests. Paul rummaged through them, and found three of everything they needed. Punkin started to cry.

"Why are we risking out lives! I want to go home!" she screamed.

"The despair is getting to her!" Herobrine cackled.

"Punkin, this is life or death for EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD! SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT!" Paul screamed. He slapped Punkin's face. "NOW LET'S SAVE THE WORLD!"

Punkin had no hope left. She was being targeted, and everyone she knew was probably dead.

"Will you RageQuit?" Herobrine asked.

"I, will, not." Punkin sighed. Paul was right. They had to keep fighting.

"No! You passed trials 1,2,3,4,and 5!" Herobrine wailed.

"Your challenges are weak stupid." Jumbo cried.

"No!" Herobrine hissed. "NO MORE TRIALS!" He vaporized into sight, pissed off, and ready to kill. "BATTLE OR DIE!" He screamed. The final battle was on.

Herobrines Terrible ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now