Trial 4

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Jumbo looked up and down. Paul and Punkin were arguing about continuing or stopping. Jumbo was looking for an exit. He peered over the edge of the cliff, and found some stairs. They led to a chamber with a pool of lava, and a nether portal. Looking closer, he saw that the lava was rising. Slowly. Alarmed, he looked at the others.

"Dad. Punkin." He said clearly. "The exit is down there, and we must hurry or the lava will get to high and we will die." With that, the ceiling of the cavern cracked open and falls of lava poured down. They were pouring out quickly. Paul and Punkin ran to the cliff and jumped onto the stairs. The lava was starting to flow off the edge. The three chosen ones flew down the stairs, and stared in horror as the rising lava lapped at the bottom of the portal. "Hurry!" Jumbo cried.

"HEHEHEHEHE!!!!! I TOLD YOU THAT YOU WOULD NEVER SURVIVE!" Herobrine cackled maniacally. The stairs began to crumple beneath their feet. Punkin fell over the edge and landed with a THUMP on the portal. She flung herself into the portal. Paul jumped after her. Jumbo ran to the portal, and the lava began to leak into it. The portal began to shut down, and Jumbo charged into it at the last second. He landed with a THUMP on the ground in the Nether.

Herobrines Terrible ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now