Chapter 5- Stranger

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As she looks around the room she can see what looked like a bachelorette party. Streamers and glitter thrown around the room, two of her friends lay on the floor with terrifying bed hair and hugging a half-naked man between them.

Looking at the end of her bed there lay her dog with blue stained fur and a half-shaved tail. As the protagonist sit upright she sees that she is no better.  Looking at her hands she has cuts on her hands as well as what looks like super glue stuck to two of her fingers, placing her cleaner hand on her head to stop a pounding headache that had just hit her. Looking to her left she saw what apparated to be vomit smeared down the wall as well as a stranger lying in her armchair wearing a slutty red number, to sum it up the room was trashed and it was going to take forever to clean.

Getting up she looks down to see that's wearing some strange shirt that she knows that she doesn't own, walking out of the room she see's that the rest of the house isn't much better especially the lounge room that looked like a herd of elephants had rampaged through it.

Shaking her head, she heads towards the kitchen to find orange juice and some Advil to get rid of this painful headache, opening the fridge she fossicks around to find the orange juice carton at the back of the fridge as well as the half-full tub of Nutella that she bought last week.

Closing the fridge door, she fails to notice and hear another person emerge into the kitchen, so once she'd closed the door she was welcomed to a stranger and a scream before dropping the Nutella and orange juice falling on the floor. Continuing to look this Stanger in the eyes in case they attempted to attack her but, unfortunately, due to the too quick of moving and screaming she was unable to see who it was.

"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to pick up your orange juice that is leaking all over your kitchen floor and under your feet?" the stranger asked in a deep voice

With her hands, up in a defensive stance like she'd been shown the women waited for the blur to leave her eyes and the queasy feeling to leave her stomach; before she heard the intruder cackle before she felt hands lay upon her own.

"That's sweet and all Cara but I can tell you know that I am not a threat to you so you can lay down your fists"

"I don't know who you are but I can tell you now that my name isn't Cara! So whoever you are you need to leave my house now before I hit you and call the cops."

"You weren't saying that last night, I couldn't get out of your bed you attacked me like a python" the stranger replied

I continued to add conversation to distract him while my vision returns to me so I am able to attack the intruder.

"I highly doubt that I did such a thing I did not get that drunk last night to forget all my action from last night" I insisted

"Oh honey you were obviously very drunk last night then because I had to drag you out of a bar fight that you started with a hooker because you found her dancing unappalling"

"Stop with the nicknames, I would never start a random bar fight and for your information, I do remember everything that I did from when I left the house to when I left the Pub"

With my vision returned I look to see a firmly built tan man looking down at me; he had minimal ginger facial hair with copper hair. Not only was his hair rather striking but his misty grey eyes standing out from his facial features, looking at the rest of his face it all matched up except his slightly bent nose that almost looked like it had been broken more than once.

"Arya you're obviously not listing to me, for starters you should be putting your fists down I have done nothing but be nice to you from saving your drunken ass till now."

"I still don't know who you are and if you're telling the truth" I reply "I will not put my fists down because I still don't know who you actually are" I add sighing at the attractive man in front of me

"Fine. If you find your phone you'll see that I was with you most of the night you even posted it all over your snapchat as well as your drunken blonde friend upstairs, here ill even give you mine so you can ring yours to find it" The attractive stranger replies Putting down my fists I put my hand out signaling to hand the device over only for a smirk and raise of his left eyelid as my reply "please" I ask. He hands me the phone after I ask nicer than just sticking my hand out to him as an answer.

I dial in my number to find that my number is already an existing contact in his phone, after three rings I hear my ringtone coming from my back pocket; feeling stupid that I hadn't checked there in the first place. Scrolling through my phone I see that the man had indeed said the truth, going onto Snapchat there was a long list of photos added to my stories from when Eve and I went out to when we left the bar but, then there were pictures that I had no idea how they got there but I looked horribly smashed.

"I suppose I should say sorry then, " I say looking up "okay let's start over. Hi, I'm Arya Cliff what's your name?" sticking out my empty hand for him to shake

"Hello Arya I'm Chase Flynn and it's a pleasure to meet you" Mr Flynn smiles a 1000 watt smile while taking my hand and shaking it firmly

"So.. You wanna go get some breakfast?" Chase asks scratching the back of his neck

"Well considering you made me drop my hangover food yes, I definitely wanna go to breakfast"

"Cool but um do you think that you could drop me home first? My shirt kinda has whiskey vomit and fairy dust sprinkled over it" Laughing at his statement I watch his cheeks heat up.

Heading up to my room I climb over the bodies and get some comfy yet appropriate clothes to go out, I leave Eve a note before jumping into the shower and get ready to go out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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