Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Abbey's POV

"You know how people always say that a girl and a guy can't be best friends? That it just doesn't work out." I sighed. "Well that's what's happening to us. A month ago we were best friends. We had no feelings. You were like my brother. But look at us now, reality struck us. Feelings came in between our friendship and relationships. And now everything's a mess."

Matt sat there frustrated. "The worst part about it is I definitely felt something Abbey. I've always been so convinced that Nicole is the love of my life... But I guess I was wrong." He got up and left the house. I watched him drive away and I broke down.

I sat there and cried. I don't know what to do. I just ruined everything. Matt & Nicole are ruined & now me & Taylor definitely will be too. Then, the worst of the worst things that could happen, happened. Taylor was calling me. I wasn't sure if I should answer it or not... I wiped away my tears and answered.

"Hey baby." He said.

"Hi Taylor."

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Concern filled his voice.

"I'm fine. Nothing." I choked out.

"Are you sure? Baby you can talk to me."

"I just don't know Taylor. I messed up bad. I don't know what to do."

"What happened? Abbey. Talk to me." He seemed scared. He didn't deserve any of this.

I sighed. "Look Tay. I'm sorry. And I love you but I have to go." He started saying more but I hung up. I couldn't do this anymore. I needed to just be alone. I ran upstairs grabbed my purse and keys and I left. I drove. Where? I don't know. But I didn't want to be near anyone.

I kept getting calls and texts from Taylor. But I had to just ignore them.
I took Taylor's Corvette because the keys were right there, which probably was a bad idea since it was about to rain and he'd definitely kill me if anything happened to his car. I pulled over somewhere that would keep the car dry. I rested my head on the steering wheel and just cried. Cried about everything I've been keeping inside me me for the past 4 years. I spent 4 years of my life with Taylor and now I just threw it all away.

The rain was pouring down hard now so I put the top of the car up. I've been gone for about 2 hours now and I was no where near home. But I had no idea where I was, so I kept driving. I finally saw a sign that said welcome to Los Angeles. Great like I don't know anyone in LA.

I pulled into a nearby coffee shop that I remember Kian taking me to when we visited. I walked inside forgetting that my eyes were probably red from crying, hopefully I didn't see anyone I knew.

"Abbey?" Oh great just my luck. I turned around to see Dylan coming my way. "Hey, whats wrong? Why are you in LA?"

"Nothing." Is all I managed to say.

"Abbey, you've been crying what's the matter?"

"It's nothing Dylan I'm serious."

"Okay... Where's Taylor & Ryleigh?"


"What? Why?"

"He's dropping her off with his parents for the week." I said and he nodded.

"So why are you here?" He asked again.

"I just had to clear my mind." I said bluntly.

"Does anyone know you're here?" I shook my head. "Abbey. What's going on seriously?"

"Nothing Dylan." I snapped. "You don't have to be so protective I'm not a kid anymore."

"Well I'm obviously gonna be protective of my sister who's 3 hours away from her house & no one knows where she is."

"Dylan, I'm fine."

"Well it's getting late & I'm definitely not letting you drive back to San Diego alone so you're staying with me tonight." He demanded. Gosh this kid just let me go.

"Dylan come on. I can drive." He shook his head and pulled me out of the coffee shop. "Get in the car and follow me." I nodded and did what he said. About 10 minutes later we pulled up to this cute apartment.

"How come I've never seen your house before?" I asked and he shrugged.
I walked inside and it was small, but comfortable. It was perfect size for him and Ariana.

"Alright Ab you can stay in the guest room across the hall. Ariana's in the office or living room you guys can talk. But I gotta meet some guys. I'll be back later love ya sis." He said very quickly.

"Alright. Love you too Dylan thanks." Wow I don't remember ever being this nice to my brother before...

"Hi Abbey!" Ariana came out and welcomed me. "You look like you've had a rough night... Are you okay?"
"Honestly, no." I sighed.

"Come. Let's talk." She pulled me to the living room and sat me down. "Tell me what's going on?"

I sighed then told her everything. And I mean everything. "I just don't know where my feelings are." I finished.

"Wow... To be honest, I feel where you're coming from. 4 years is a long time and after a while the same routines get boring. I mean now you have a baby and you & Taylor are so distant."

"I know. I mean I love Taylor a lot. But I also love Matt. Just in a different way."

"Me & Dylan started out as best friends. My boyfriend Jai introduced us while we were dating. & we became best friends for a while until we eventually started dating." She giggled.

"That's what's happening to me. Even if I do want Matt, I have a kid with Taylor and I know he loves me. It would break him if I ever left him."

"I think you should do what's best for you and Ryleigh." She said.

"Matt loves Ryleigh. He would do
anything for her. They both would."

"I like them both. I think Matt's a cutie but Taylor is more mature." She smiled and there was a knock at the door.

"One second." She went to get the door. A big smile formed on her face when she opened it. "Abbey, someone's here for you."

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