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Liana laid against Chris; running her fingers up and down his chest, tracing his tattoos. She couldn’t sleep; too much was on her mind. The days crept closer and closer to her due date and Rashad said he was going to take matters into his own hands, but she just hoped his plan worked. She knew once Chris found out, he would explode. She couldn’t help but debate whether she should just tell him or not. The more she thought about it, the more her head hurt.

There were a lot of secrets forming. She didn’t intentionally make them, but she hid them for his own good. Like the pregnancy; she wasn’t planning on keeping the baby, nor was she planning on Chris ever finding out she was impregnated in the first place. “Why are you up?” Chris mumbled, caressing Liana’s back.

She looked up at him and smiled, kissing his cheek. “Just thinking about some stuff…” Liana yawned, sitting up.

“About what?”

“Nothing.” Liana shrugged, getting up and going into the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before walking out. Chris stared at her, admiring her a little bit.

“Baby come here.” He bit his lip as she walked over. He pulled her onto his lap, kissing on her neck. “What you been thinking about?” He asked again, still kissing on her neck. Liana scanned her brain quickly for a lie, but came up with nothing. So she played her cards safe.

“Just…everything that’s been going on…”

“This will all be over soon, I promise.” Chris mumbled against her lips. He knew she was thinking about something deeper than that, but chose not to press it. He’ll find out sooner or later anyway, he always does. Liana wrapped her hands around his neck and crossed her fingers behind him. She prayed it’ll be over soon, she was ready to live normal again. Chris tapped her thigh, gesturing for her to get up. She climbed off him and sat down next to him. He got up and reached for his clothes on the floor. “I’ll be back in about an hour or two. Stay ya ass here, alright?” Liana nodded her head, rolling her eyes on the inside.  “Aye, you talk to Katie lately?” 

“No.” Liana mumbled, looking down at the floor. Katie hasn’t hit her up since the day everything happened. Liana couldn’t help but think she was mad at her.

“That bitch set you up.” Chris spat disgustedly before walking out the door leaving Liana with her thoughts.


“Aye…” Alex called as Chris walked past the dining area.

“What?” Chris asked, coming to a halt.

“I gotta tell you something. It’s time you found out the truth about shit. I lied to you about the Black thing. When I said I got people to shoot up his crib—that was a lie. I did get people to shoot him up, but it wasn’t his crib, it was his car; which he wasn’t in, only his family.” Alex explained, never making eye contact with Chris. Chris stared at him, confused as to what exactly Alex was saying. “Son, you killed his family, that’s why he wants you dead also.”

“So you set me up with this job, because you thought he would come after me instead of your daughter?!” Chris screamed, inching closer and closer to Alex.

No. I didn’t know he knew you were the one that did it. That shit didn’t dawn on me until after Liana mentioned he wanted you dead also.” Alex rumbled.

Before he could say anything else, Chris hands were gripped onto Alex shirt, flinging him into the wall. He walked over to him, punching him twice, making him fall, then began kicking him. Liana came sprinting down the stairs, screaming for Chris to stop, but he kept going. Kicking him with such force, he felt as if he was going to kick his stomach to his back each time he retracted his leg. “Chris, please!” Liana cried out, even though Alex deserved it and half of her wished she was the one kicking him, she didn’t want to see this happen. She jumped in front of Chris; attempting to push him backwards. Her cries were useless. He was blacking out, he didn’t give a fuck, and if she didn’t get out the way she would end up hurt also. That didn’t stop her from trying though. Chris stared at Liana, before gently pushing her out the way, and continuing to pound on Alex. “Chris, please stop. Please.” Liana begged, her voice trembling with each word. She went to grab his hand, pulling him away from her dad. “Baby…” Tears cascaded down her cheeks.

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