First Full Day with the Autobots

Start from the beginning

Me: Yeah, yeah... Whatever you say.

Kimmie: Speaking of running, we'll all talk to you later.. I got a couple of Lazy bums to make them run.

Jay: Kimmie don't you even think about it.

Kimmie: Oh I already have :)

Ji su: o-o

Jay: Yeah.. We'll see you later Mina.

Me: Lol.. Okay bye.

I exited out of Skype and returned to what I was going to do.

"Hey Mina, wanna play with us?" Jack and Raf asked.

"I'm good, thanks though." I said, turning my attention back to my laptop.

After doing whatever on my laptop, I decided to read. Not too long after I started reading, I heard heavy footsteps walking over to me. I looked up to see Bulkhead with Miko on his shoulder.

"Hi Mina!" Miko said.

"Hi Miko." I said.

Bulkhead took Miko off of his shoulder and sat her down beside me.

"Soo... I was wondering.. Can we go to Korea together?" Miko asked as Bulkhead was still Standing by the both of us.

"I would say yes, but there is no way of getting there." I said.

"Nonsense! We can ask Ratchet to bridge us there!" Miko said.

"So that portal thing can go anywhere?" I asked.

"Yep! So do you wanna go?" She asked.

"I guess we can." I said.

"Yes!" Miko said making a fist and jumping in the air.

"Hey Ratchet?" Miko said, dragging me towards Ratchet.

He grunted and looked up.

"What now?" He asked.

"Can you bridge us to South Korea?" Miko asked.

Ratchet's expressing lightened up a bit as he quickly typed something and pulled the lever. Bulkhead transformed into the Hummer and Miko grabbed my arm again and ran over to him, hopping into the passenger seat. I sat in the backseat as Bulkhead strapped us both in. He drove to the swirling portal and soon we were in the city of South Korea. The city that I know really well.

"Well Ratchet bridged us here pretty quickly.." I said.

"Yeah.. He'll pretty much rush to it if it involves us leaving." Miko said, Bulkhead laughing.

"Wow." I said.

"Yeah.. He's just a grumpy doc bot." Miko said.

"Well that's good to know.." I said.

"Yeah... But don't worry, you'll get used to him." Miko said.

I looked out of Bulkhead's window, at the familiar city I grew up in. It feels like it's been forever.. Even though it wasn't even a week yet. I'll admit, America's pretty nice, but right now... I just feel a little homesick. I started thinking about my friends and family every time we drove by familiar buildings that we use to go to.

It's kinda funny how I'm only still in middle school... Or highschool, and I already feel like as if I went to college.

"What's wrong Mina?" Miko asked me as I turned my head towards her.

"Oh, nothing. Just a little homesick.. That's all." I said.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll admit that I felt a little homesick too." Miko said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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