Chapter 1

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(Since it’s unknown to when Nico’s Birthday is I’m going to make up my own, but the year he was born, 1924, will still stay the same. His birthday is January 27, 1924)

Chapter 1

~Nico’s POV~

It has been three years since I’ve last seen Avalon. Three fucking years since she was kidnapped because I was stupid and let my guard down. Three years since I’ve held her. And in those three years I’ve ever never stopped looking. 

I was stupid to break-up with her, I was stupid when I didn’t give her a chance to tell me her side of the story. A couple months after Avalon was kidnapped Piper told me that Drew chramspoke her into kissing Caleb, and it didn’t help the situation that I slept with Drew. Ever since that day I refuse to talk to Drew or any girl in the Aphrodite cabin, except Piper.

It’s all my fault that she was taken. I shouldn’t of broken-up with her, and I shouldn’t have let her go on that date. I should've seen it coming, should’ve know better than to let her go out with him. I know I sound like a jealous ex but if I would've so wouldn’t be gone.

The month of January has always been my favorite, not just because my birthday is this month, it’s because of all the snow storms in New York. The cold harsh winds that make my body go numb of feeling, the cold ice that pierce’s my skin as I grab ahold of it. Also it’s fun to watch people slip on ice, but it doesn’t get me to laugh or smile. I haven’t shown emotions in three years. What the point to if I lost the one person I love.

As I walk through the crowded streets of Manhattan, with the cold snow blowing against my back, I reach my destination, McDonalds. Even though it’s my 21st birthday I don’t want to do anything besides look for Avalon. Percy, Leo, Jason, and Frank all wanted to talk my to the bar to have my first drink of alcohol, which actually won't be my first, but they don’t need to know about that.

As I entered McDonalds people turned around and stared at me, giving me that glare that I don’t belong here, or anywhere as a matter of fact. I always get that glare when I go places, especially at school.

At school I was known as the emo freak, but what shocked the school was that I’m friends with the most popular people there, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Piper, Hazel, and Frank. But once in awhile a girl would try to get me to go out with her but I just couldn’t, all my focus was on Avalon and getting her back.

When I got to the line waiting to order food everyone in front of me took steps away from me letting go to the front. I hate that. I hate it when everyones afraid of me like I will kill them with one glare. I will only do that if you really piss me off, so don’t piss me off.

As stepped forwards to the counter the man behind the counter shakes with fear as I near.

“Wh-hat can I g-get you sir.?” The man asked as he shook with fear.

“Can I get two Big-Macs and a large fries with a coke.” I said with no emotion. 

I stepped away from the counter waiting for my food. As the other people order one caught my attention. Her long dark blonde hair that goes past her tiny waist. Her hair reminds me of Avalon’s. When she speaks her order I choke on my coke that I am siping. Her voice. It can’t be. All the people around me turn and started, again. When the blonde turned my breath hitched in my throat. All the years I’ve been looking, I find her. And of all the places McDonalds. Her eyes aren’t as bright as they were three years ago, they now are dull and hold pain.

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