Chapter 19: Potential

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We both spun immediately to face the demon who had appeared alongside us, taking a relaxed position on the sofa as if he were just present to hang out. First instinct was to assume that Devin wasn't real, but glancing over as he gawked at the newcomer revealed undoubtedly that he was no trick.

"Here I've been politely leaving you alone after trying to help you out," McGraff placed a hand on his chest to mock having his feelings hurt, "And you've just been trying to get strong enough to kill me."

"I already told you I'm not playing your fucking games!" I growled, stepping in front of Devin protectively until he finished processing what was happening, which didn't take long.

"Holy shit, look at that fucker," the man slightly behind me whispered as he kept staring, "You sure he's human at all?"

The seated creature stood, appearing even more demonic than the last time. His skin had blackened and his eyes literally shone. Shooting a glare as he strummed his claws across his chest, he retorted, "Look at yourself."

My gaze on Devin again, I kind of expected him to actually glance down at himself to perhaps find his current form had been manipulated, yet he never did. Instead, he took another route at handling our problem, "I'm curious though, Mark, about what he has to say."

My vision narrowed upon him, confused by his assessment considering how he had been the one to say I shouldn't trust the killer, "Are you insane?"

"You should listen to your friend," McGraff hummed, pointing at Devin with a sharp index finger.

My eyes darted between the two, the man before me having started to tap his foot, further displaying the impatient nature I had seen before, and Devin tilting his head toward me long enough to wink. I sighed, relenting under the assumption that he had good reason for humoring the beast, "What are you talking about, then?"

"Well," he began walking slowly around the perimeter of my living room, "You say I'm the one toying with you, but as I recall, it was those little ghost pals of yours that roped you into this and then dumped you when they couldn't get to me."

Devin and I had instinctively matched his steps to keep the same distance between us. I took a moment to contemplate the unwelcome visitor's possible train of thought before answering. It had been clear that he was trying to play up to being on my side by alienating me from Emma and the others.

That I understood. What I questioned was why he continued to act like he wasn't the enemy even after they had pushed me away. Thinking back to what Devin had said about me being a threat to the demon because of some spiritual power, it made the most sense that was indeed it.

"Maybe they did," I agreed, "But that doesn't change the fact that you're no friend to me. So even if they used me, I still have to kill you."

"You act as if you could," he chuckled, stopping where he stood and stretching his arms out to his sides in a confident stance.

"Then prove me wrong," I baited, "Kill me first."

The demon's arms slowly dropped as his grin faded and he snarled, "Why would I want you dead, buddy?"

"I think the question is why don't you want him dead," Devin piped in.

There was a pause and I could tell McGraff wasn't sure yet how to respond. I beat him to speaking though, "You said we were similar; that you appreciated my existence."

"Oh, so you were listening," he purred with the reminder, "Exactly. You're more like me than you realize and you're already on the path to figuring out why." When nothing was said after Devin and I exchanged glances, the demon continued, "Why do you think I was able to accomplish all that I did?"

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