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            “I said no” Her voice rose slightly this time, a thick Italian accent rested in her voice. The young man standing a few feet from her would have taken a step back if he didn’t think himself so fearless. She took a moment to stare at the man taking him in before she continued. His black hair fell down to his shoulders, his skin was pale and he had dark cold eyes, something that seemed impossible for someone so young. He wore black dress shoes, black slacks and a long sleeve black collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was leaning in the doorway of the bedroom they were supposed to share; it was their wedding night after all.

            “I wasn’t going to make you” His voice was soft, cold and dare she think, sexy?

            “Good” She was slightly taken a back, she was under the impression he wanted this marriage. She turned away to finish packing her bag. With her back to him, she touched the necklace the rested around her neck. An amulet that was hers, given to her by her grandmother. Her parents didn’t know where it was, and she had to keep it safe, so the further away she was from the death eaters, the safer it would be. Marrying one… or being forced to marry one was not going to help.

            “I want to know something before I let you walk away” his voice interrupted her thoughts. She turned back, but not before putting the amulet underneath her shirt again. She nodded as she pulled the bag over her shoulder. “Do you have it? The Amulet?”

            “Will you let me walk away if I say yes?” She raised her eyes to meet his. He stared at her with such intensity she wondered what he was thinking. He nodded slowly. “Then, yes, I have it”

            “I guess this is goodbye then?” He asked without any emotion in his voice.

            “Yeah, I guess so” She stopped in front of him at the door. He didn’t move, except to tense up at how close she was to him. She slipped the silver wedding band off her finger and held it out to him. He took it from her and watched her walk away. Her long red hair swinging as she did.

            She had no idea where she was going, but she knew she had to disappear. She also knew that she couldn’t disappear in England or Scotland, so she apparated to the United States. As much as she wanted to return to Italy, to Florence, where she grew up, that’s exactly where her parents and the death eaters would expect her to be there. The best place for her was as far away as possible. So she left, for a life in the United States.

Three years later

            He ran a hand over his face as he watched the house elf put the last box in his office at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was his first time teaching and the Headmaster had been kind in offering him a position when no one else would. Being a former death eater didn’t help him much either. The last box was put in his desk, and the house elf left. It wasn’t long before the door opened and he looked up to see the headmaster standing in the doorway.

            “Headmaster” He spoke rather coldly as he opened the box on his desk. On top sat a small black box that he hadn’t seen in three years and hoped to never see again. He took the box out and put it on his desk, ignoring it.

            “Severus” the headmaster moved closer and picked up the small black box, Severus had put on his desk.

            “Albus… please don’t” Severus tried to stop him, but Albus had already opened the box. In the small box was a pair of matching silver wedding bands. Albus looked from the contents of the box to Severus.

            “You’re married?” He asked him, surprise laced his voice.

            “Yes, technically” Severus looked away from him. “but you can keep them, through them away, whatever you wish, I don’t need them”

            “If you’re married, where is your wife?” Albus asked curiosity ringing in his voice.

            “I don’t know” Severus shrugged. “I didn’t ask her where she was going when she walked out on me”

            “I see” Albus replied as he slipped the box into his pocket and went back to helping Severus unpack.

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