Chapter 23: year book and plans

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The past Two weeks have gone by in a flash. I was currently sat at the kitchen island, reading over some mail we just got, when I came across one with my name. Curious, I opened it and read it's contents. I dropped it and sat there shocked for a few minutes before pulling out my phone.
Sent: 6:42pm
To: Karma Akabane
I got in! I got into the college I applied for!
To be quite honest I'm not expecting a reply but I just thought I'd tell him anyway.

The next morning during class, sensei congratulated us and said something about a second blade twinkling. I spaced out and only heard
"....special year book!" I slammed my head on the desk as Nagisa asked
"You're putting together a special year book? Just for us?" Koro-sensei replied loudly with a yes. I sat there with Karma crouched next to my desk, rubbing my back.
"I'm okay." I strained out, which caused him to chuckle.
".....makes it look like the schools haunted." Isogai's comment caused a small snicker to escape Karma, which made me nudge him to shut up.
"......let us sort through and find the best ones together~!" Sensei shouted. I groaned as quietly as I could.
"Anyone else creeped out?" Someone asked, my head shot up and I called out.
"Me!" Everyone turned to face me and I just shrugged and smiled.

Sensei started to hold up certain pictures as karma sat back in his chair. This was the order
Hayami cuddling a kitten.
Mimura on air guitar.
Kataoka in a dress shop trying on dresses.
Muramatsu reacting to a cockroach.
Okajima wearing just a tie, socks and shoes running around at night.
"This makes me feel like there are questionable photos of me floating around." He stated, standing up.
"More questionable than that?" I murmured smiling.
Just then the whole class except Karma and I ran to look for their photos and take them back, while yelling.
"My favourite is the one with Nagisa in a skirt." I commented, looking directly at said boy. He just shot me a glare, while I gave him an innocent smile.
"Everyone outside! What we need is a big assortment of cosplay shots!" Sensei announced, I slouched back in my chair trying to be unnoticed, sadly it didn't work, because Kayano and Nakamura grabbed me and dragged me outside.
"Nooooooooo." I whined
"Yeees." They replied with devious smiles. I cowered back a bit not wanting any harm to come to me.

I watched as some of my friends dressed for bio-history, Japanese history and history of religion. At some point Sensei got karma shirtless with a cowboy at one. At this point I was on the ground smiling like an idiot, trying not to laugh. "You're enjoying that~" Rios voice teased from next to me. My face grew warm and I could tell I was blushing.
"Ohoho~ She's blushing!" Kayano joined. I groaned and lay on the floor. Just then I noticed something.
"Hey Rio."
"Yeah?" She replied
"Why are you dressed as a nun?" I emphasised. After that she just stayed silent while I smirked.
"KINK CONFIRMED!" I shouted and ran away with Rio Nakamura chasing after me, while Kayano and the boys were laughing their asses off. Just then, Karasuma appeared and I decided to hid behind him.
"Help me!" I whined. He sighed and stared at Rio. She sighed and gave up while I let out a victorious giggle.
"How was the trip?" He asked me
"Successful!" I replied happily. He nodded, satisfied with my answer.
"Together in April. Living together as one in April. Making love ten times a day." I heard, I watched as Karasuma tensed up and I looked behind him. Irina. I smiled, holding my laughter.

Karasuma was now in a Tux, while Irina was in a brides dress being held bridal style by said man in tux.
"What is this?" Karasuma asked.
"Oh come on. Don't be shy. You simply must get in on the cosplay action!" Sensei replied.
"Darling, think of our first night together." Irina said dreamily, at this point I couldn't help but laugh.
"Not a chance!" Karasuma yelled. My laughter died down and remained in a smile.

"World tour?"
"You're insane!"
"Seems like a lot of work."
All that could be heard after was the screams of E-Class, while I was sat in a giant purse with them, laughing like a maniac.

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