I also burst into laughing myself.

"But seriously, D. I'm glad that my best friend found you, even more glad that you became my best friend too. You're not so bad when you're not drunk or fooling around with girls. You're actually nice, sweet and great with your actions and words." 

"Thank you Peters, I need to go back to the office in a bit. Kate is already starting to question me, she noticed that I frequently go out of the office after lunch or after a meeting. Thank you again for helping me find a ring." 

"Alright, Girl. Good luck with the proposal later. Go on, we'll take care of this place for you and Princess Katie."

She said to me with a smile as I took a last sip from my cup of coffee. I drove back to the office. Just in time for an early lunch, I had food delivered to our office. As soon as I got out of the elevator Louis greeted me. 

"Good Day Doctor Valerio, your food is already waiting in your office, Miss Howell's already inside. She looks a little bit upset out of the meeting she had earlier in the morning." She smiled at me

"Thank you Louis, you go have lunch, I'll take care of the boss." I said and chuckled

I opened the door to our office and came a ball of paper flying to my face. Kate crosses her arm in her chest.

"Where have you been? You said you were going to get back here before the meeting ends!" She raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to explain myself. Ahhh! If she only knew what I have been up to lately.

"Babe, I'm sorry. It's just that I also had to check on Shane, Eve's best friend who's my patient in the asylum, I just need you to understand that I had a previous commitment to these people. Please calm down." I said, I bowed my head so as for her not to see in my eyes the secret that I've been keeping.

"You can't even look me straight in the eye, is there something that I should know? You're acting all weird this week, you don't think I noticed?" she says

I raise my head and slowly walked to her, she was trying to keep her distance, she takes a step back. I continued to walk to her. Until her back was against the wall. I held her body in mine, as one of my arm raised against the wall. I looked into her eyes. Softly, full of longing and love.

"Babe, I would never ever. Cheat on you. Not now, not ever. Those women, were nothing to me, how many times am I going to tell you that? Are you jealous of Eve? Tell me." I whispered into her ear.

"No." She said firmly

"Tell me what is it?" I looked into her eyes she sighs and hugs me. 

"Let's talk about it after lunch." She says as she pulls away from the hug and goes to the couch. 

I looked at her,  I can see in her eyes that something's bothering her. A fear she have always had, fear that only one person can cause. Me. I followed her silently to the couch. 

I reached for the bowl of her favorite Chicken Teriyaki, I took off the lid and handed it to her. We ate silently, she was still observing me, gauging if it's safe to tell me what is going on with her. Neither one of us spoke. I can't wait for her to discover the real reason why I had to always be out of the office. I think she is mad, because I didn't greet her Happy Valentine's Day. It was all part of the plan. She got a piece of tempura from the plate, she feeds me a piece of it. I took a bite, she fed herself after. I got a piece of my tonkatsu and fed it to her, she took a bite and fed myself the rest. After lunch has ended, she begins to speak. 

"Babe, I'm sorry. I thought I'd be okay with this, I honestly thought I would. But, I'm scared of losing you to Eve once again. Especially now that you're over seeing her progress and you're always needed to be away from me, it gets me worried. What if you fall out of love for me?" 

She's My ConstantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora