"That sounds like so much fun," she said sarcastically.

"It will be because we'll make it fun," I told her.

"Of course we will," Kate replied.


After dinner we went to see a movie which was called Safe Haven. It was a pretty good movie; although, I did have to admit that it was a pretty intense movie.

"Did you have fun tonight," Christian asked me as we waited for Uncle Tom to come and pick us up from the movie theatre.

"You already know that I had fun," I told him.

"Hope you're not too tired because I still have one more surprise for you," Christian replied.

"Really," I groaned, "I practically dead on my feet already."

"It's just something that I'm going to let your mom tell you so you don't have to stay up for that much longer," he assured me.

"Okay," I sighed. I had no clue what Christian and my mom were planning, and that scared me.


Kate was going to love what her mom was going to tell her, I just knew it.

"You promise that it won't take that long," Kate asked as we arrived back at my aunt's and uncle's house.

"I promise," I told her. "Like I said before, it's just something that your mom is going to tell you." I got out of the car and walked around to her side to open the door for her.

"You people have five minutes," Kate warned me.

"Come on, let's go inside," I said as I tried not to laugh. I led her inside into the kitchen where her mom and my aunt were waiting for us.

"Okay, what is it that you people want to tell me," Kate asked impatiently.

"Well, Kate," her mom said, "I have decided that since you're fifteen and that you'll be driving soon that I am going to buy you a car once we get back home."


"A car," I said unbelievably.

"Yeah, a car," my mom told me.

"Cars cost way too much money," I replied. "I'm pretty sure that if I get a job I can save up enough money to buy my own car when the time comes."

"Don't worry about it," my mom said. "I'm going to buy you a car because I figure that it's the least I can do to make up for everything I've done to you. Plus, it's going to be both your birthday and Christmas present so you can't really argue."

"Fine, I'll stop trying to argue, but I still think that you shouldn't buy me a car," I told her.

"I know," she smiled.

"Anyway, thank you everyone for this wonderful night, but I think that it's time for me to go to to bed," I said around a yawn. They all said goodnight to both me and Christian, and then Christian led me up to the room that we have been staying in. I changed into my pajamas, and lied down next to him on the bed.

"So," Christian said, "does Brittney know that your going home tomorrow?"

"Actually, I wanted to surprise both her and Nick so I didn't tell them," I told him.

"Awesome," he replied. We sat in silence for a few minutes. It wasn't awkward, though; it was nice.

"Christian," I said, finally breaking the silence.

"Yes, Kate," Christian answered.

"Do you think we'll still be together when we're older," I asked cautiously.


"What," I asked. Kate's question had definitely caught me off guard.

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid question," she apologized.

"It's okay," I told her. "Just try to get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay," she muttered.

"Goodnight, Kate," I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight, Christian," she said then she turned onto her side and fell asleep.

Recovering Love: Decisions, Decisions, and More DecisionsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat