Chapter 3

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Kate’s P.O.V.


            I couldn’t escape what all had happened in the last forty-eight hours, even while I was asleep.  I tossed and turned the whole time only being partially asleep.  My mom was in a coma.  My dreams were of her laying completely still, her chest stop moving, and her in a casket.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  I sat straight up and held back a scream.  I had tears in my eyes.  My mother could not die.  I had barely known her lately, and there was still so much we had to catch up on.  Christian must have heard me wake up because he was at my side at once.

            “Are you okay,” he asked me.  I nodded my head since I suspected that my voice would crack if I tried using it.  “Are you ready to talk to the doctor?”

            “Y-yes,” I stammered.

            “It’s okay,” Christian reassured me.

            “No, it’s not; not right now.  I want to be home in my bed wishing that none of this had happened,” I told him.  After I said that I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. 

            “Look, I know that you’re scared.  I understand that you feel overwhelmed, okay?  I need you to calm down, though, before you make yourself sick with stress.”

             Christian was right.  I did need to calm down.

            “You go get the doctor, I need to text Brittney,” I said.  He looked at me worriedly for a second, and then he reluctantly left.  I really did need to talk to Brittney, so I texted her:

            Hey, how are you, Nate, and Nick? ~KaTe~

            Worried sick; how are you? $BrItTnEy$

            Worried sick ~KaTe~

            How’s your mom? $BrItTnEy$

            Not so good, she went into a coma ~KaTe~

            Oh, that sucks; I’m so sorry, do you want us to come visit you? $BrItTnEy$

            You don’t have to if you don’t want to ~KaTe~

            Well we can come if you really want us to; Nate’s mom has already offered to drive us up there $BrItTnEy$

            I wouldn’t ask you to go through all of that trouble just for my sake ~KaTe~

            There’s no problem with helping a friend; especially a friend like you $BrItTnEy$

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