Chapter Seven

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"So what's it like being with Smii7y?" Nogla asked me while we were playing Mario Kart.

"Uh I don't know. I mean he's really lazy but other then that its pretty cool." I said smiling to myself.

"Oh fuck off." He said smiling.

"Fuck!!" Mini screamed, making my face crush up into an uncomfortable look.

"Mini you need to be turned way down." I kept driving my charactor, Shy Guy, determined to get into first.

I drove through the item boxes and luckily went through the double boxes. I got three red shells, and one banana.

"Mini, you know your time in first isn't gonna last much longer, right?" I said to him, as if it were obvious. Which it kind of was.

"Yeah I know." He was turning the corner and I saw him put a redshell behind him.

I quickly threw my three redshells, which resulted in more yelling. I then put the banana right behind me.

"Why?!" He yelled out. I laughed at him then saw that I was close to the finish line, Marcel close behind me.

I turned into another box, this time just getting a coin. So if the banana didn't work out, I was fucked.

"Smii7y!!!!!" Marcel raged. We all chuckled as Smii7y was about to pass Mini.

I was one corner away from the finish line. I then saw a blueshell warning, getting more anxious as it hit me, not wanting Smii7y to pass me.

"No!" I yelled seeing Smii7y right behind me. We were on the final stretch and I saw a redshell warning at the bottem.

"No, no, NO!!" I yelled as it hit me on the finish line. Smii7y passed me and so did Craig. "Fuck I was so close." I complained and slightly raged.

"He did you dirty." Marcel said laughing with the rest of them. I joined in, laughing with them.

"I'm the king!!" Smii7y yelled out as he wore the crown on his Mii character.

"But you cucked me right on the finish line!" I said still complaining but laughing. "Run it back!!"

"Run it back!" Marcel said. Soon Nogla said it, then did Craig.

"Oh shut your fuck." Smii7y said. We were both recording in Smii7y's recording area. I took off my headphones and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

I got my headphones on, and he looked a bit flustered. I laughed and got close to the microphone again. "Fine. I'll 'shut my fuck' Mario king."

Everyone in the call had a short laugh.

"Ah man, I've got to go now." Marcel said as he was needing to leave.

Everyone said their goodbyes to him as he left. "Bye Marcel!" "Talk to you later!" "Bye dude!" "Bye!"

"Hey do you guys want to play some Fortnite?" Lucas asked the two that were left.

"I sadly can't." Mini said.

"Oh ok. Daithi you up for some Fortnite?" I asked him.

"I can't either. Sorry guys." He said to us.

"Oh its fine. Bye guys!" Lucas said to them.

"Bye!" I said to them. They both said their goodbyes and it was is it the two of us left.

I leaned back in my chair stretching my back. I started to smile, looking over and Smii7y. There was some sunlight coming through the blinds, hitting his face and hair. He just did the same as me, stretching, and then he looked over at me.

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