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I know it's been a while since I've written. And you most likely don't give a shit but I now have diagnosed ADHD and I want to FUCKING kill my self even though I knew I probably had it finding out I had it still makes me want to kill my self and now I have pills for it which makes me feel like I'm a drug addicted freak and on top of that I have undiagnosed depression and for those of you that personally think you know me you've just scratched the surface of my personallies and only those that I've known my hole life would know what I mean by depression I think about killing my self all the god damn time that's why I lock my self up all the time and ignore people because I don't want people that care about me to be concerned about my nonsocialisation because I'm thinking of killing my self constantly and now that I have diagnosed ADHD and pills for it I've never felt like killing my self so much even my parents think I'm okay with it while I've locked my self in my room away from my family they think it's because I'm watching Korean shows on Netflix and being nonsocial while I'm really thinking about ways to kill my self and my most current way was to OD with the pills. Also I missed an hour of school to fund out that it was top of the chart ADHD and I  should've been diagnosed years ago yet I wasn't due to my parents

Peace out for now and I'll right some more soon.

the BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin