Followed home

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Y/N's P.O.V
I look around carefully, observing every little speck I see as I walk across the side walk. "Come on, look up." I hear my brother say, I look forwards to be greeted by a burnt down building ,"..Why are we here?" I ask, my eyes hovering over the police tape that almost covered the place.
   "to investigate. I wanna see if any of the robots survived. I heard that one of the robots went missing." He answered. "Ok. Go ahead. I'm staying out here."I say, weary about the place, as it gives off a bad vibe. "Oh, are you a pussy? Scared that Freddy's gonna eat you?"He teased. I just rolled my eyes. To think that he's older than me, he's definitely not very smart, " Whatever you say.."I mutter. He ruffles my hair, smiling. "I'll be back." He says before stepping over the police tape.
Why did he even bring me? Heh, he was probably too scared to go alone. I giggled at this thought. "Hm.." I hum aloud as I start to wander off. I stop, noticing a figure laying on the grass in the back of the building. Its was surrounded with police tape, just like the building.
I feel my heart stop. That isn't a dead body... is it? I gulp at the thought as I noticeably start shaking. I take a step closer, just close enough to see a glimpse of it. I pear over the police tape to see a broken down robot. "Wait...Bonnie?" I mutter, looking into its seemingly empty sockets. Suddenly its eye flickered, making me yelp and jump back. I look around, trying to slow down my breath. I quickly run away from the scene. I feel like telling my brother..but I know that he's gonna think I'm just a wimp, and I'm not gonna let him think that. Not for now, at least.
I see my brother run out of the building, panting. "what happened!?"I say running up to him. "There's gotta be some witch craft or something in there. He moved." He said. I look at him confused. "Who?" I ask as he calms down. "We got to go. I'll tell you on the way home," he said. I just nodded as we both start heading home.
   "Freddy." He said breaking the awkward silence as we reach the house. "Freddy..moved?"I repeated. He just nodded. "Are you sure it wasn't just the police messing with his wiring?" I asked. He shook his head furiously ,"No.He was to broken. His wires are completely fried."He said.
   "Lets...lets go inside. We don't want it following us home, right?" I joked laughing a little, but this seemed to freak him out. This rarely ever happens. I glance at him one more time before walking into our house. "How was your adventure?"I hear my grandma call to me.
Long story short, only our grandma is taking care of us. Not our mom, not our dad, just our grandma. She's adopted us. So technically my mom is my sister..weird, right? "It was great!"I answered, ignoring the previous events. "Good."She said. "I'm gonna go to bed now, ok? This was tiring...I love you!" I yell to her across the room ,"Ok, Love you too! Don't let the bed bugs bite!"She called back to me, making me smile. I start heading up the stairs and go into my room before collapsing onto my bed. 
I sigh, rolling onto my back to stare at the ceiling. My eyelids droop, as it seems like it was only minutes only to realize it pitch black outside. I sit up. "So much for sleeping early.." i mutter under my breath as I snuggle my blanket.
The door to my room creeks open as I freeze. Who... as a reflex as the door opens wider I hide under my blanket. Silence. I slowly peek my head out from under my blanket only to be face to face with it.

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