Chapter 2: The Enticing Stranger

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Location: Thousand Sunny, New World

The day was winding down, the same could not be said for the inhabitants of the Thousand Sunny. They were as rambunctious as ever. It also didn't help that it was dinner time. There was nothing that could get the Straw Hats more riled up than food. More specifically eating with their bottomless pit captain.

Luffy had pushed aside his dream for now, but the lingering feeling that something was about to happen remained. He wasn't exactly looking forward to going to sleep that night. He was afraid he would have that dream again. He wanted something to happen he didn't care what. It could be an attack, a new island, a storm, anything to keep his mind from returning to that dream. 

Amid the chaos that was meal time, a sound rang through the galley. It was the unmistakable sound of purupurupuru by their den den mushi. They all froze momentarily, not many had that number. And those who did, knew about the current situation and how it was far to dangerous to be in contact. There was always a chance that the navy was intercepting the call. But if it really was someone they knew, then that would mean the situation was so dire that the risk was worth it. What if the marines had found Law or what if it was a warning, maybe someone was trying to tell them their current location had been discovered.

They didn't ponder the pros and cons of answering for long, when their rubber captain decided to make the decision for them.

"Hello! I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" Mixed screams of Don't tell them that! You give away too much information! and Don't answer! as well as a few swears filled the air. The scenario was all to familiar to the Straw Hat crew, so they really shouldn't have been surprised by his actions.

"Hello?..." Luffy asked, tilting his head and tapping his foot, when no response came.

"Monkey D. 'Straw Hat' Luffy." The voice was feminine. "I have something for you."

"For me?" His childish voice showed no sign that he thought he might be in danger or leading his crew into a trap. The notion never even crossed his mind.

"Yes. I wasn't supposed to tell you this unless it was absolutely necessary." This intrigued the small minded straw hat wearing boy. "but I think you need to know and it involves a-"

"Wait a minute this could be a trap. We don't even know who this is." Nami, the voice of reason spoke up, cutting off the speaker before she could finish.

"Nami~swan is always so wise!" An excited love struck voice came from behind her, then immediately turn serious. "But Luffy she's has a point we might already be in their trap"

"I hate to admit it but the witch and the love cook are right." Zoro walked up to his captain. He knew Luffy wanted a distraction from his dream, but this was definitely not the way to do it.

"It's involves Portgas D. Ace." She said in a clear no joking tone. Luffy froze. She now had everyone's complete attention. The room was quiet, something not usually attributed to the Straw Hat crew.

"What about Ace?" Luffy's tone was no longer bright and cheerful and the air was tense. 

"I've been guarding something very important to him for the past few years, but Blackbeard has found out where I've been hiding it. I managed to escape with it before he arrived, but I can't keep it out of his hands forever." She sounded sad and broken. Like she was on the verge of tears.  

"You want our help?" Luffy voice was low. "What do you have of Ace's that is important?"

"I can't risk saying what it is over transponder, All I can say is meet me where it all began... Can I count on you?" Luffy didn't look away from the den den mushi. His thoughts could only focus on one thing... Ace. If what this mystery person said was true than there was no doubt in his mind that he would help. Whatever was important to Ace was important to Luffy, they were brothers after all. And there was no way he was going to let Blackbeard have the satisfaction of getting his hands on something of Ace's. Somewhere in the back of his empty mind was the idea that she was lying and that this was a trap to lure him out. But he didn't want to think about that.

Zoro was having different thoughts. Of all times someone could have brought up Ace, it just had to be the day after Luffy's dream. Fate, it seemed loved to play games. The first mate felt all his previous dwindling worries push their way back to the forefront of his mind. He knew it would be his responsibility to talk the young captain down and keep him from being reckless. Well more realistically, to at least stop him from charging in without thinking this through, but knowing Luffy neither of those goals would be achieved. Zoro knew how Luffy would respond to the strangers proposal and that it would be his job to keep things under control. After all no one could read Luffy as well as the Straw Hat's first mate. The only exceptions to this case however, would be the the rubber captains overprotective brothers Sabo and the late Fire Fist Ace.

"Okay." luffy said and she hung up.  Zoro gave a sigh so small that the others didn't notice. Yes, that had been the answer he was expecting. But still he hoped that maybe Luffy would stop and think, perhaps that was just wishful thinking on his part (or maybe he'd finally gone insane).

The young captain turned back to his crew. The haunting silence didn't last long as Nami, Usopp and Copper collectively beat the shit out of the rubber brained idiot.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" The enraged navigator screamed.

"Ow... What was that for!?!?" Luffy said holding the newly formed bump on his head.

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