Last straw

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2 days later
Amina's POV
I've been released from the hospital 2 day ago and with our baby home, me Aug and everyone else has been so obsessed with Salihah. Me and August takes turns changing and getting up in the middle of the night for Lili.

Today the girls are going to meet salihah and hold her. I walk into her room, that mama Sheila and my mom decorated. When I looked in the crib, she was ready up, playing with her stuffed animal.

"Hi mamas baby! How are you?" She was smiling, showing all of them gums. "Come on, let's get you washed, dressed and fed." I carry her to the bathroom and put her in her little baby bathtub and putting not so hot water into in.

"What shall you wear today?" I was browsing through her closet and found this onsie that was black with gold hearts on it, I put on her little black hat and wrapped her gold and black stripped blanket, she was till shivering because she was cold, so I rub her back and rock back and forth.

"Her bottle is ready and everyone is downstairs." I hand salihah to August and went to throw something on just to lounge around in, because I had to clean and wash clothes.

I settled on my ombre nike leggings "track and field" with a black Nike sports bra. My hair was up in a neat little bun. I guess I'll get started on the clothes first because I had to wash A LOT because I need to make sure nothing on Lili's clothes will irritate her skin.

I went into the basement and started a load because everything was already separated. Aug comes downstairs with me because everyone upstairs was watching and playing with Salihah.

"What are we having for dinner?" I strug my shoulders. "I don't know, what do you want to eat."

He tapped his chin as if he was thinking. "I want your ranch ground turkey meatballs with alfredo noodles please." I kinda did want some meatballs for dinner.

"Okay, I'll get the stuff when I'm done." I take out the lights and put in the whites.

"No, ill get the ingredients. Your cooking, and cleaning, the least I can do is get the stuff." I give him a quick peck on the lips." Thank you baby. I appreciate it." He comes over and helps me fold the clothes, and put some stuff on her baby hangers.

He helped me when I was all done." Alright, go do whatever else you need, I'll put everything away."

"Okay, thank you!" I need to clean this kitchen.

"Wassup chicken nugget!" Ode ruffled my hair, messing up my bun.

"Your so irritating! Messing up my bun, it was neat!" I take down my hair and put it into a high ponytail.

"Ight, you got it I'm sorry. But how you feel." I smile. "I feel great! Me and August have been doing really well."

"That's good, that's good. Speaking of him, where he at?"

"He's downstairs." He gives me a hug and a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks little sis. And I'm proud of you." He goes down the stairs and I continue to wash dishes and prepare Lili's  formula measurements . She has a million and 1 bottles, which I good for me because she's fussy when she's hungry and impatient, so all I gotta do is put her scoops in because everything is measured, add water and warm her bottle.

"Sisssss. I'm hungryyy!"

"Uma your leftovers from panda express is in there, I'm not finna cook until dimner."

"Oh you right. What's for dinner?" Ugh, this girl.

"Ranch meatballs and alfredo noodles."

"Oooooo yaaaas! I've been CRAVING your meetballs." Uma takes out her heated good and puts Sour cream over her orange chicken. She never does that,  because it's "nasty" to her.

"UM, I thought that was nasty Uma." She stops eating and looks at me. I look back at her.

"U-um, it-It's.... I like it now." Hmmmmmm.


"You guys! Dinner's done!" Everyone comes to the dinning room table and grabs a seat. The doorbell rings and I go get it.

"Hey Mrs. Alsina!" Aww it's T and his fiance.

"Hey T! How are you? Come in!" He walks in with the woman, into the kitchen/ dinning area.

"I've been doing great, I just got engaged a week ago."

"That's good. Hi, I'm Amina." I introduced myself to his fiance.

"Hello, I'm Jasmyn. Nice to meet you!" We give each other a hug and sat at
  the table to eat. "I'll go fix your plates really quick." I go off into the kitchen and made T a big plate of food because, he's a big ol dude. I put a good amount on Jasmyn's plate.

"Okay everyone, let's say grace." We all grab each others hands and bow our heads.

"AMEN." We all day that part out loud for some reason.

"Yo these meatballs go hard sis-in-law." Trav steals a meatball off of tima plate.

"AYE. GIMME MY MEATBALL BACK BITCH." Trav threw the meatball on her plate.

"You got it! You got it!" We all continue to eat and of course I was the first one to finish. Salihah started fussing so I went to make her a bottle.

"It's alright mamas, your bottle is almost ready." I rocked her back and forth until the microwave went off. I waited until the bottle was cooled a little until feeding her. I would have breast fed Lili but I just didn't feel comfortable with it.

"T, here's salihah!" T gently picks up lili and play with her a little bit.

"She's chubby! Hey little princess!" Jasmyn was cooing at her, while she chewed her fingers.

"She's so adorable Amina. She has that same patch in her hair as you!"

"Yeah, this just recently started for me, I got its couple of months ago."

We all talked for a while in the living room and August left to go somewhere.

"Okay you guys! Thanks for coming over! Drive safely." They all say thank you and I lock up the house, making sure the big glass areas are covered.

"Let's get you ready for bed little one. Maybe your daddy will be back." I got her all ready for bed and rocked her to bed in the rocker.


I'm still up waiting for August to come home. I've called his phone a million times, I've texted him and he just leaves me on read. Finally, I hear the door locks turn and behold, August comes into the house all happy and shit.

"Where have you been?" I turn on the living room light. He looked a little taken back.

"I um, I was at the studio." I already knew he was lying because I called there.

"No you weren't because I called there already. Are you cheating on me?" As much as I gares to ask him that question it started to seem he was going behind my back.

He hung his head low. That's all the confirmation I need. I take off the engagement ring, walk up to him and give it to him. "I'm done August. You hurt me too many times. 3 strikes."

"Baby please don't do this! We have a child-"

"Don't give me that foolishness! You wasn't thinking about us when you cheated on me." I go upstairs and pack me and salihah a bag.

"We'll work something out so you can visit salihah. I'll be back in a few days to get the rest of my stuff." August followed me all the way to the car, begging me to stay.

"Get off of me Aug. I'm done." I hop it the passenger seat and he won't let me leave.

"You don't love me no more?" I look at him in his eyes. "I will always love you, you hurt me badly. Goodbye August." I grab my door and shut it. Pulling out the driveway, I drive off down the street.

August POV

The love of my life and my family left me, for good. I messed up BIG time. I need her back. I dont know what I was thinking. I'm going to get her back, that's for sure.


THE END- Sorry y'all. But the sequel will be up soon. Thank you for reading!


Life is worth livingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora