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  August POV


"You may go see her, she's in room 84." As soon as she said that we scurry off like roaches to the elevator. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Amina is pregnant and didn't tell me. I'm so shocked that I don't even know if I'm happy or mad.

We made it to her room. Mama N. Opened the door and we follow her inside. Amina wasn't all brused up, she just looked drained. As I look at her stomach, I see her little baby bump.

"Amina Isabis Bahati! When were you going to tell me that you are pregnant?" Amina sat up and her eyes were so big.

"IM PREGNANT! OH MY GOSH!" She puts her hands over her eyes and cry. I go by her and rub her back and hug her, to make her calm down.

"I'm surprised too. I guess you didn't know either." She calmed down a little and continued.

"I promise you all, I really didn't know I was pregnant! I took a test and it said negative."

"Well sweetie, you know not all tests are positive." Mama came and sat on the bed with her.

"I now know that."

"Well, isn't this a happy moment? I'm going to be a auntie!"

"Yes but me and August was going to wait until we were at least 26 but, if this is the time for us to have a baby then so be it." I look at Amina and rub her belly.

"You guys are too cute it's going to make me cry." Uma starts fanning her eyes.

"Congrats potato head."

"Shut up light bright." Amina and Kelvin start going at each other and we all laugh At them.

I guess it's time to start our little family.

Amina's POV

 The hospital discharged me and we started our journey back to Los Angles which wouldn't be a long time.

Every 15 minutes, August would be asking me if I'm okay, do I need some to drink or am I uncomfortable. It's kind of annoying but I know he's only doing it because of the baby.

~1 hour later~

We made it back to L.A. to pack our bags and go to San Francisco and stay with my mom. I'm going to stay with her because I can't fly back to Atlanta. Guess I'm going to surprise him at his San Diego show.

I didn't get to pack any bags, Uma said I needed to not to anything because I  shouldn't carry anything heavy so I just watched.

They loaded up my moms car and we made our way to San Francisco.

2 hours later~

It took us 2 hours to get here because of California traffic. When we pulled up, I was shook. My mom's house was so big and beautiful.  I walk out to the door and look around. My mother opened the door and I walk inside.

"You and Uma have your own rooms, decorated. I was for sure that I would find you both."

"Thank you mommy."

"Your welcome. Go upstairs to the left and look for a room with a A on the door."

"Okay." Me and Uma walk upstairs and look for our rooms. I had a sparkly red A on My door and Uma had a sparkly black U on her door.

I open my door and I was inlove. The colors were red black and white. Sparkles everywhere. I had a bug mirror in my room too.

I unpacked half my stuff and got in a long shower. I just need to relax my muscles. I was washing up and I looked down at my belly. I touch it and started crying. I can't believe I'm having a baby.

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