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Amina's POV

I never thought I'd result to this. I can't take it ANYMORE. I went into my draw and got a razor. I filled up the bathtub and got in. The water was very hot but in numbed my pain. I picked up the razor and slit my wrist. I kept slicing because you already feel like shit and the cut makes you feel like even more shit so you keep slicing to get the relief. I didn't tell Uma what I was doing. I was getting dizy. So I slid down under the water. I want to die.

Uma's POV

Something didnt feel right. Before I got up there was knocking on the door. I got up and checked it. It was Aug.  "Watcha want?" Clearly annoyed with his presence. "Please let me in I want Mina to hear me out!"  "Fine. But I don't feel something is right. She's been in the tub for 4 hours....." I went up to her room and knocked on the door. No answer with no hesitation I kicked down the door and what I saw looked like a crime scene. Mina had cuts in her wrist and blood discolored the water. Mina was underwater. "Mina!"  "I rich over to her, picked up a towel to cover her up. "Get To the fucking Car  NOW This is  all your fault!" He tan outside and started  the Car. "Hit That MOTHA.FUCKING gas!" After Thatcher we speed off.

Lawd Please make sure i dont kill this man and that my sister is okay.. please....


Heres a little chapter before i go to school. Thank you for supporting me! Comment vote and share!💛🌻💛

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