Folter [dt.] - means torturing a person physically, psychically or emtionally

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Just witnessing the look in Michael's eyes was priceless while Chloe had cut off one of the once magnificent golden wings.

But the screams of the mind blowing pain was like heavenly music to Lucifer's ears as he hummed a german children's song he had learned in hell in his time as torturer meeting a special kind of cannibalistic psychopath.

"Ein Männlein steht im Walde ganz still und stumm,
Es hat von lauter Purpur ein Mäntlein um.
Sagt, wer mag das Männlein sein,
Das da steht im Wald allein
Mit dem purpurroten Mäntelein."

Once upon a time Lucifer would have barfed witnessing the cruelness of the situation at Mazekeen and Chloe had started to peel Michael's perfect skin of revealing a ugly picture of a red creature whose muscles and bones were all to see.

But after having experienced the horrors of hell he just grinned like a child receiving a incredible birthday gift.

Michael saw this and screamed loader as his mind completely went mad.

"Das Männlein steht im Walde auf einem Bein
Und hat auf seinem Haupte schwarz Käpplein klein,
Sagt, wer mag das Männlein sein,
Das da steht im Wald allein
Mit dem kleinen schwarzen Käppelein?"

Satisfied of seeing his brothers exposed body Lucifer took the knife of Mazekeen and kneed before the once so beautiful picture of angel as there was still the face looking paradox to the rest of the tortured body.

"You know brother, a long time ago I said there would come the day where I would get to pay you back for everything you have done to me. Peeling off my skin, throwing salt in my open wounds, burning me while being conscious and responsive and last but not least scarring my face so utterly bad so I would never be able to forget it and maybe even break from it. Let's see if you can break."

He pulled parts of the face away with the help of the knife while Maze traced Chloe how you correctly whipped a person to put him in the worst pain he ever experienced.

Watching them doing that throwing one or two glances to the woman made Lucifer utterly fucking proud of the detective because she was a fast learner and good student.

This bastard would leave his apartment in pieces.

In many shattered pieces.

As they went on with the torture Michael passed out and Lucifer then told the other two to stop as there was no reason to keep going except to weir themselves out.

Chloe agreed immediately while Maze needed some more nasty whipping to do the same.

Until then Chloe hadn't noticed that she had forgotten to tell someone at the precinct where she went so a mind struck Detective Espinoza stood in the elevator not able to believe his eyes as he saw multiple of dead demons laying across the floor with dismembered limbs and a vile winged creature in a pool of blood.

It was a scene right out of a horror movie.

"I need a fucking drink if I ever want to forget this. Or ten."

"Detective Douche, nice to see you here! The drinks are on the house. Maybe you prefer some scotch? Or maybe a good ol whiskey?"

Her ex shrieked like a woman as Lucifer had greeted him probably realizing that the night club owner was the literal devil but other than that Dan had kept his pride for managing not to wet himself.

"Sneaking up on people that are on verge of losing their mind is not cool, man. Not cool."

"Stop to complain, Douche. Two woman were already in the know and managed to stay sane. And you had even withstood the charm of my sister's blade to go killer Happy on everybody who stole your pudding. What actually was just me and Maze."

Chloe heard her ex sigh desperately and brought him a drink from the bar. He looked at her questioning but seemed to decide against asking whatever he wanted to know.

Silence filled the apartment while Lucifer cleaned up with the help of Maze so that only the vile creature was left.

"What do we with him?"

"We prepare him for his return to home. Raf or Gabi will probably come to get him."

Meanwhile on the bar Dan drunk a shot with one gulp. "I still can not believe that out of all things Lucifer happens to be the big devil. The guy who stole my pudding."

"After seeing a bunch of murdered demons and a tortured victim you only care about Lucifer stealing your pudding?"

Chloe laughed at her ex as she drank right out of the bottle because she liked Lucifer's drink. They were definitely to good to be ignored and if she would not watch herself she would turn into an alcoholic.

"You forget that Lucifer and I worked together to rescue you once. I had told you how I got beat up while he just sat by until I allowed him to take the matters in his hands and he literally punched the eggs out of the guys then. Just like that."

Without a forewarning the devil had snuck up behind Chloe and stole a kiss of her lips leading to a groaning Dan.

"Of course you two are dating, too. As if my life wouldn't be weird enough."

"Actually it's even weirder Detective Douche. You had slept with God's ex, the goddess of creation, which by the way is the mother of the devil - me - and of your happy sappy friend - my brother Amenadiel - too. Weird enough?"

"Oh go- what the fuck? I just- don't bother. I just drink myself to the pass out."

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