Angst [dt.] - means fear.

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Once again Lucifer had disappeared without a trace. Something like that had happened more than just one time. So why did Chloe have this weird gnawing feeling in her gut?

Was it because she knew now that the first time Lucifer had disappeared for days wasn't intentionally meant to hurt her but to get answers from Charlotte who had been possessed by the Goddess of life at this time and was a bitch?

Or was it because the last time she hadn't heard a word of Lucifer was caused by him being Kidnapper by their new lieutenant who happened to be Cain, the first man who sinned and was damned to wander on earth for all entity?

Her instincts never were off and if her gut churned like this she knew something was definitely off.

Chloe suddenly sat up from her chair as she took her keys from her office desk before she went out of the department with confused glances following her to the exit.

Hopefully her gut feeling was wrong this time. If not Lucifer would be in serious trouble.

The roar of the car engine was nothing to the others honks and the sound of the police siren while the detective chased down the highway like a speed demon.

Actually she was even faster - Chloe had seen Mazekeen drive one time and compared to her own driving right now that would have been a snail against a jaguar.

Lucifer would be so proud if he saw her right now and never shut up his stupid mouth again about her breaking laws to cross the speed limit.

She just hopped that her devilish angel wasn't in trouble.

The car made screeching sounds leaving black marks on the asphalt of the garage of Lucifer's building as Chloe had hit the break with a force of a fury.

Not a second later it stopped abruptly and she climbed out with a death set killer glare in her face.

The detective marched to the elevator and let it take her up to the devil's home with her gun ready in her hand.

She counted the seconds until the doors would open and embrace her with a possible fight between celestials or against not friendly sinned demons from hell and then the doors opened.

And what she witnessed was even worse.

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