Bestrafung [dt.] - is punishing someone for doing a mistake

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In the middle of Lucifer's apartment stood an angel holding her devil up at his trout as the fallen angel struggled for breath and both celestials were surrounded by blood thirsty demons who managed to keep Mazekeen in check.

Damn. Couldn't it have been just one worst scenario instead of both of them?

No, it couldn't because she happened to work with Lucifer who just had the worst of luck with almost the whole world and heathen hating him thinking of the devil as evil incarnate.

Hell didn't count because most demons were soulless except her friend Mazekeen and was easy to manipulate for celestials.

"Are you kidding me? I literally just found out about you dicks with your arses sitting up there in the sky and you decide to drop in and ruin my fucking day just because you are so stupid to believe that your brother is evil although he is only the biggest scapegoat since the beginning of existence and makes you think that he should be punished?"

Chloe was so furious that she could even make Maze concurrence as she shouted at the blonde celestial that still held her Lucifer hostage.

They had just begun their relationship!

Heaven would burn if this brother of his would destroy it.

And that wasn't a promise, it was a threat.

With the deathliest glare of the universe Chloe took out a blade while the stupid blonde asshole chuckled and then kept ignoring her like the dumb mortal woman he though her as.

"Hey, asshole! I talk with you! Or aren't you smart enough to understand what I say? I heard that angels tend to stop growing at certain stages of development."

The asshole blond suddenly turned his head in her direction and everything around him cried anger danger to Chloe but she stood still.

"No worthless mortal whore insults me, Michael, the warrior of god, like this. You don't know what trouble you're getting in!"

This was it.

Chloe knew it. That was the last drop to fall and she would enjoy the satufication of ending this asshole.

Lucifer who still hung helpless in the air with broken wings and to crisps burnt skin looked at her fearful and even had tears in his eyes.

The devil fears to lose her and she wouldn't let this happen.

Same as ignoring this really offending insult. Chloe threw her one blade so fast that it didn't even made a sound as it cut through the air hitting Michaels left shoulder causing him to letting go of Lucifer.

"I am neither a whore nor worthless, dickhead, and you will pay for numerous things. First, you had beat the shit out of Lucifer before you kicked him out of heaven what only assholes do. Second, you did the same again just before I arrived and even tried to maim him. By human laws you would have gotten yourself a death sentence. Since you are a angel we can't do human standards. And third, you insulted me. Now you pay and when I am finished with you you'll wish you were never born."

With the force of thousand demons she attacked the archangel lunging at his wings after she had got many fight lessons from Maze about how important it would be to make an angel immobile in a fight.

Michael not having foreseen her move once again as he still kept underestimating the mortal was surprised from receiving a painful blow to his left wing as the named mortal had sunk another demon blade in one of his limps.


Seeing their master in agony the demons stopped standing aside and claws drove out of her fangs before they threw themselves at the detective to pry her of Michael.

But they had forgotten their old lord that had not passed out of the missing air or massive beating.

Before they even could receive a warning fire filled the rooms.

With that the devil's protector broke free from her chains, too, and together with the lord of hell she fought taking a demon at his hair and pulling it back with such a force you could hear his spine break.

Meanwhile Lucifer lit up one hellish beast after another in blazing white flames burning them into ashes and freed his detective.

Attacking the devil was one thing and earned his fury but going after Chloe, the woman he had confessed his love to and trusted with the truth, was really worth of his ruthless wrath.

Even with his scorned ashy skin and mutilated wings Lucifer managed to landed a punch right in the as Chloe nicely thought to call him asshole's face.

"Father's wrath will be the least of your worries when we're finished. Never let yourself be said that Hell doesn't leave a woman scorned."

Then his brother had finally realized how the things have turned against him and panicked.

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